dyn netbios/ip map

Andreas Moroder andreas.moroder at sb-brixen.it
Mon Oct 27 09:59:05 GMT 2003

Hello Michele,

you wrote
> because linux kernel ip stuff(iptables, ip command) deal with ip addresses
>  whereas  in dhcp based networks host/ip binding has to be considered
> Thus identifying hosts by their netbios name is the best way of profiling the
> access to net resources (allowed ports, traffic bandwidth etc.).

Why don't you use the informations in the lease file of the dhcp server to make
the mapping ? This should work very well if you use the ISC dhcpd daemon. You
also  have no additional traffic.

Andreas Moroder

                     Dott. Andreas Moroder
Leiter der Informatikabteilung - Direttore della ripartizione informatica
        Sanitätsbetrieb Brixen - Azienda Sanitaria di Bressanone
              Tel. 0472 812085   Fax 0472 812089

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