rd /s, "can't find the file specified" (internal reference b1 996)

Marc Kaplan MKaplan at snapappliance.com
Wed Mar 19 02:47:39 GMT 2003

I've tried this also, and I can't reproduce it on HEAD, 3.0alpha-17 or


-----Original Message-----
From: jra at dp.samba.org [mailto:jra at dp.samba.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 6:44 PM
To: Nir Soffer
Cc: samba-technical at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: rd /s, "can't find the file specified" (internal reference

On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 06:47:44PM +0200, Nir Soffer wrote:
> Following up to myself, reproducing this is apparently even simpler than I
thought - simply do a:
> "touch nir test test"
> and try to delete it from a DOS command line. It will fail.
> "nirtest123456" fails as well, but "nirtest12345" so it seems to filename
size related. 13 characters won't work and 12 will. Perhaps it's because
something is geared towards 8 characters, a dot, and 3 characters somewhere
along the line?
> Needless to say, it works fine on w2k shares...

I can't reproduce this at all on a recent (CVS) build
of SAMBA_3_0. Can you give me more details on *exactly*
how you reproduce it please ?


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