Filename with 0x84 and 0x94 characters causes problems in 2.2.7a

Olaf Frączyk olaf at
Tue Jun 3 13:11:39 GMT 2003


If filename contains 0x84 or 0x94 characters it is not saved with
correct filename in samba server. This is tested on Win2kSP2 PL. Samba
2.2.7a and previous 2.2.x.
This is real pain because it is automatically created by Windows/
MSOffice. I find it in:
C:\Documents and Settings\olaf\Recent
C:\Documents and Settings\olaf\Dane Aplikacji\Microsoft\Office\Niedawny

The 0x84 and 0x94 looks like low-double-quotation-mark and

They appear on Windows side only. When such file is copied to samba
server it is automatically converted by samba to 0x22 character.
And from Windows it looks little strange:
"ala" is displayed as ALA~2Y
home na "fileserv" (H).LNK is displayed as HOMEN~$G or HOMEN~RJ

Windows is also unable to delete such file.

This makes impossible to use roaming profiles, because when logging out
Windows is getting trouble and says: "Unable to create file which
already exists" And gives this strange name HOMEN~RJ

in my smb.conf I have (to handle Polish characters):
client code page = 852
character set = iso8859-2

Any hope to get this fixed soon?


Olaf Fraczyk

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