Well, the large file offset stuff in smbclient seems to work

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at qsl.net
Sun Feb 16 04:04:29 GMT 2003

Michael B. Allen wrote:
>>No.  Strange effects can happen at many different file sizes.  If you do 
>>not test it, you do not know that it works.
> Can you give me a specific example? I've written a client and I never
> tested it past 5-6GB. You have me worried now :-/

There may not be a problem in your client.

But problems may show up in file systems and the support C library 
calls.  In older systems, bits were precious, so there may be many 
fields that do not have enough, and now backwards compatability may be 
showing it's age.  Sometimes it is found in a device driver that because 
at the time a 1GB disk was unimaginable, that the bits above there were 
used for flags.

Some algorithms are sound but do not scale well, hence the unexplained 

Every 4 bit nybble barrier can be an issue, and the signed/unsigned 
usage may also be an issue.  The granualarity of blocks in the file system.

Once you get past 4GB, I would expect the next hiccup may be at the 1TB 
level and then every power of 2 beyond that.

How many people are dealing with files larger than 4G on a regular basis?

You can not test every thing though. :-)

wb8tyw at qsl.network
Personal Opinion Only

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