winbind cache bug

Tim Potter tpot at
Wed Sep 11 03:38:18 GMT 2002

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 12:54:47PM +0300, Gavrie Philipson wrote:

> I think I've found a bug in the winbind caching mechanism.
> In winbindd_cache.c, in the function query_user, the user info is looked
> up in the cache. If it isn't found, the info structure is initialized to
> zero and the backend (winbindd_rpc in my case) is called to retrieve the
> user info.
> However, the query_user method in winbindd_rpc doesn't fill in the
> user_rid field of the user_info structure, causing the user_rid to
> always remain zero.
> This, in turn, causes the cache to always store an entry for a user with
> a zero RID (instead of with the correct RID), which of course causes a
> cache miss next time.

Yup - well spotted!  I'm not going to apply this to the 3.0 branch
is currently not being maintained.  It should appear in the other
branches though.


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