So, what can a program that can modify the SIDs in NTUSER.DAT do?

Richard Sharpe rsharpe at
Thu Oct 31 09:18:01 GMT 2002


I envision the profiles program being able to pull the domain SID out of 
NTUSER.DAT and then being able to update every SID that matches on the 
domain part to a new domain SID.

This could be used when copying profiles over from an NT server where you 
can't set the SID of the server to the domain SID that the users came 
from, perhaps because you are consolodating domains.

A small script could be run over all the profiles for all the users to 
fix them for your current domain SID.

Still, I have to test that the idea works :-)
Richard Sharpe, rsharpe at, rsharpe at, 
sharpe at,

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