Printing with Samba and Intel Inbusiness printstation?

Eddie Lania e.lania at
Tue Oct 22 18:01:02 GMT 2002

Hello folks,

Regarding the story below, has there ever been done some effort to acomplish
We use several of these so called "windows print stations" at work, but
whatever I have tried with samba, cups, etc, I can't get it to work.
Perhaps this is an issue that has allready been solved in the past, but I
couldn't find anything in this direction.

Any help would be appreciated.



From: "Wim Verhoogt"
Subject: Printing on printers connected to Intel InBusiness print
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 18:44:39 +0200


I've been struggling to print with Intel InBusiness print stations. These
stations are labeled as "for use with Windows only" by Intel.
I found out that they emulate a Windows machine exporting two printer
shares, one for each connector. The NetBIOS name of the stations is the
Device ID, and the shares are //device_id/Printer1 and //device_id/Printer2
I tried to print to these shares with smbclient's print command, but
received various errors.
Some reverse-engineering (tcpdump is your  friend :-) ) showed that you have
to specify a remote filename of DEV\LPT1 (or  DEV\LPT2 for the 2nd share -
haven't tested that), and that SMB_COM_WRITE (0x0B)  must be used to write
to the share. Smbclient uses WRITE_COM_ANDX (0x2F). This doesn't return an
error, but garbles the print data.
I've patched smbclient to support this. I implemented a new option (-H)
which will direct smbclient to write using SMB_COM_WRITE. The put command
can now be used to print to the InBusiness stations. The print command won't
work because it doesn't support specifying a remote filename.With this hack
and a CUPS backend script, my server now exports 3 printers, connected to
these stations, and I'm happy :-)
I was wondering if this new feature of smbclient can be incorporated in the
official SAMBA distribution, so that I don't need to patch smbclient for
each new release. I doubt that the new -H option is the best way to do that,
it just happened to be a quick and easy way to solve my problem.

The patch used was:

--- client.c Fri Jul  6 04:01:20 2001
+++ /home/wim/cvs/samba/source/client/client.c Mon Jul  9 16:33:41 2001
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
 BOOL prompt = True;

 int printmode = 1;
+BOOL inBusiness_hack = False;

 static BOOL recurse = False;
 BOOL lowercase = False;
@@ -1031,8 +1032,10 @@
    DEBUG(0,("Error reading local file: %s\n", strerror(errno) ));
-  ret = cli_write(cli, fnum, 0, buf, nread, n);
+  if (inBusiness_hack)
+      ret = cli_smbwrite(cli, fnum, buf, nread, n);
+  else
+      ret = cli_write(cli, fnum, 0, buf, nread, n);

   if (n != ret) {
    DEBUG(0,("Error writing file: %s\n", cli_errstr(cli)));
@@ -2415,7 +2418,7 @@

  while ((opt =
-  getopt(argc, argv,"s:O:R:M:i:Nn:d:Pp:l:hI:EU:L:t:m:W:T:D:c:b:A:")) !=
EOF) {
+  getopt(argc, argv,"s:O:R:M:i:Nn:d:Pp:l:hI:EU:L:t:m:W:T:D:c:b:A:H")) !=
EOF) {
   switch (opt) {
   case 's':
    pstrcpy(servicesf, optarg);
@@ -2571,6 +2574,9 @@
   case 'b':
    io_bufsize = MAX(1, atoi(optarg));
+   break;
+  case 'H':
+   inBusiness_hack = True;


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