load balancing question

Stephan Stapel stephan.stapel at web.de
Sat Oct 5 18:43:01 GMT 2002

Dear people on the list!

I hope it's ok to ask a feature question on this core-feature list.
What I would like to know is whether there are some efforts on implementing load balancing features into samba or some experiences/ experiments in this area. As standard-Windows doesn't offer these features, adding them would give samba-based systems yet another (very big) advantage over a standard nt server system.
Just that you know why I'm asking for this. We have the problem to serve 3d scenes as well as image data to about 100 render nodes running under Windows NT. When starting to render, all machines are asking at exactly the same time for exactly the same data, which might be about 500 megabytes per machine. Action like this results into a server load of about 30-50 which isn't really satisfactory...

Kind regards,

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