SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER flag always true?

James Guzicki - IMG jaguzick at
Mon May 20 09:42:14 GMT 2002

This is just to update the technical people here on what I have done.  I 
commented out the line in  Samba 
2.2.4  param/loadparm.c     'default_server_announce |= 
SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER;'   This successfully removed the server from the 
printer browser when using the "Add Printer" wizard.  It also did not 
affect actual printing to the server, as it can still be set up if you know 
the name of the printer you want to print to.  This works great for us 
because, for the most part, the greater than 3000 users we have here should 
not ever print to the samba servers.  I have learned if you give users the 
ability to do something they shouldn't, they will go ahead and do it.  If I 
could make a suggestion, maybe this SV_TYPE should be a configurable option 
through smb.conf.  But then again, I don't think may people will ever 
really want to turn this off, we just happen to be a unique case. :)

James Guzicki - IMG

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