best way to work with cvs?

Esh, Andrew AEsh at
Fri Mar 1 06:56:03 GMT 2002

I used to update my CVS sandbox this way. It was slow, and I had to wait.
Then I learned how to use rsync. Now I update my sandbox more often, and it
happens faster. I don't load down the CVS server either. If I want to be
certain I'm current, I can do a quick "cvs -qn update" to make sure rsync
got everything. It always does.

Here's what I run, to make a samba_22 sandbox and a samba_head sandbox in

rsync -avz rsync://
rsync -avz rsync://

Of course this won't work if you aren't interested in getting the "latest"

-----Original Message-----
From: David Edward Shapiro [mailto:David.Edward.Shapiro at]
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 7:31 AM
To: 'samba at'
Cc: 'samba-technical at'
Subject: best way to work with cvs?

I use a script to get the lastest samba:

echo "\npassword: cvs\n"
cvs -d :pserver:cvs at login
cvs -z5 -d :pserver:cvs at co samba

Are there any other commands I could tack on or something I should do
differently to make sure I am getting correct rebuilds?

For example, should I tack on at the end:
cd /usr/local/samba/source

or should I run some make commands?

I think I saw something about needing to run make proto some times?!?  


David E. Shapiro
Senior Unix Admin
BTi - the future of communications
4300 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27609
Office # 1-919-865-6955 
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