Very bad performance when copying large files from windows tosamba-share
Ulf Bertilsson
ulf.bertilsson at
Wed Jun 26 07:57:04 GMT 2002
> > The protocol appears to be operating correctly in the
> > "gettingafilefromamigaatawin2" capture. The slowdown is the
> large time gaps
> > between the receiving end ( sending an
> acknowledgement, and the
> > sending end ( sending the next data packet.
> The gaps at that
> > point appear to frequently be as much as two seconds. It
> looks like the
> > sender is busy doing something other than sending.
> Strangely, this seems to
> > occur most often near the end of the transmission of a 64K
> chunk. This pause
> > is absent during the transmission of the last chunk. I
> wonder if the sender
> > is busy in the middle of the transfer with queuing up the
> next chunk. Slow
> > disk access?
> Is it possible that the sender has not set TCP_NODELAY and
> the OS has a
> very long timeout waiting for more data from the application?
Thanks for looking into this.
No, I have TCP_NODELAY setup in my smb.conf.
I have alos tested with misc of the other possible "tune parameters" in
this option.
Here is the only useful info I found in a high level debug.
[2002/06/25 03:47:55, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(853)
With error = Protocol not available
setsockopt: SO_REUSEPORT=0 on port 0 failed with error = Protocol not
I will install an hw raid solution this week as
well as testing with another tpc/ip stack.
Anybody remeber the most fatal errors with samba 2.0.7 core and Win2k ?
I could mention that ftp flows very neat in both directions (~850kb/s)
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