[Samba] Little list of horrors.
Martyn Ranyard
ranyardm at lineone.net
Thu Jun 20 01:59:03 GMT 2002
Does anyone know of a similar list for post-SP6 NT4?
At 04:50 PM 6/19/02 -0700, Jeremy Allison wrote:
>Hi all,
> I was investigating the SMB signing problems between Win2k
>clients and Windows XP servers and thought I'd take a look to see
>if there were any hotfix patches for Win2k that were post service
>pack 2.
>I discovered this list.... :
>of *amazing* bugs (many SMB bugs) outstanding since SP2 for W2K.
>So if you're having problems on Windows 2000 clients with roving
>profiles, sessions being disconnected, files being truncated, corrupted,
>change notify not working or other such things you might have assumed
>were due to Samba bugs I suggest you take a look here first :-).
> Jeremy Allison,
> Samba Team.
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Martyn Ranyard
Free Software Advocate
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