Little list of horrors.
Michael H. Warfield
mhw at
Wed Jun 19 17:56:04 GMT 2002
Off Topic, humor (I think).
On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 04:50:40PM -0700, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was investigating the SMB signing problems between Win2k
> clients and Windows XP servers and thought I'd take a look to see
> if there were any hotfix patches for Win2k that were post service
> pack 2.
> I discovered this list.... :
> of *amazing* bugs (many SMB bugs) outstanding since SP2 for W2K.
ammmaaazzzing bugs...
I read this and having heard you face to face many times can
just imagine the expression "of *amazing* bugs" with your accent. Something
like a side show barker shouting come see "the *amazing* sights" with rising
voice and arms out like wings. :-)
> So if you're having problems on Windows 2000 clients with roving
> profiles, sessions being disconnected, files being truncated, corrupted,
> change notify not working or other such things you might have assumed
> were due to Samba bugs I suggest you take a look here first :-).
Yup... You would have made a great side show barker. >;->=>
"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends... We're
so glad you could attend. Come inside, come inside. There behind
the glass lays a real blade of grass. Be careful as you pass. Move along
move along..." (Emerson Lake and Palmer - Brain Salad Surgery - Karn
Evil 9, 1st Impression, part 2)
> Cheers,
> Jeremy Allison,
> Samba Team.
Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 | mhw at
/\/\|=mhw=|\/\/ | (678) 463-0932 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!
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