DEBUG in reply.c file
Srinivas, Mohan
mohan.srinivas at
Wed Jun 19 08:23:02 GMT 2002
Thankyou very much Andrew...and Carter...
Actually I added a DEBUG in reply.c with level 10, in reply_mkdir routine.
Just i want to print varible "directory" name in the log file. But the
DEBUG is not working here. In the sense it is not logging any message.
It is working in vfs.c and vfs-wrap.c...Can any body tell me the reason...
and Can any body tell me how to solve this??
-----Original Message-----
From: Esh, Andrew [mailto:AEsh at]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 8:34 PM
To: Srinivas, Mohan
Cc: samba-technical at
Subject: RE: DEBUG in reply.c file
The level number in the macro call specifies the number which the Samba log
level must match or exceed in order for that debug statement to appear in
the log. The Samba log level is controlled by the smb.conf "log level"
If you place a "DEBUG(10, ( ..." in the code, and set the Samba log level to
8, the debug message won't appear. Increase the log level to 10 or more, and
it appears.
I usually run Samba a log level 2, so I can see general informational
entries, and serious problems. If I need to debug a problem, I increase the
log level to 10, so I can see almost all of what Samba is doing as it
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Carter [ mailto:jerry at <mailto:jerry at> ]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 8:48 AM
To: Srinivas, Mohan
Cc: samba-technical at
Subject: Re: DEBUG in reply.c file
On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Srinivas, Mohan wrote:
> Hi everybody, Can anybody tell me what is the significance of level (the
> integer ) in DEBUG macro in SAMBA code. There is one debug in reply.c
> file.When it will be executed, and if at all executed, where it will be
> logged, i mean which log file??
The higher the debug level, the more information written to the
"log file". Generally 10 is the highest used debug level, but
50 will guive you full packets dumps in /tmp and 100 is used to debug
password changes.
cheers, jerry
"Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed. ISBN 0-672-32269-2
--"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--
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