Cascaded VFS patch
Simo Sorce
idra at
Mon Jun 17 02:03:03 GMT 2002
oops, forgot to attach the patch ;)
Index: include/smb.h
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/include/smb.h,v
retrieving revision 1.435
diff -u -r1.435 smb.h
--- include/smb.h 2002/06/15 12:38:10 1.435
+++ include/smb.h 2002/06/17 08:46:49
@@ -447,9 +447,9 @@
char *origpath;
struct vfs_ops vfs_ops; /* Filesystem operations */
- /* Handle on dlopen() call */
- void *dl_handle;
- void *vfs_private;
+ /* Handles on dlopen() call */
+ smb_vfs_dl_handle *dl_handle;
+ void **vfs_private;
char *user; /* name of user who *opened* this connection */
uid_t uid; /* uid of user who *opened* this connection */
Index: include/vfs.h
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/include/vfs.h,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 vfs.h
--- include/vfs.h 2002/03/22 06:24:35 1.25
+++ include/vfs.h 2002/06/17 08:46:49
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
VFS structures and parameters
- Copyright (C) Tim Potter 1999
+ Copyright (C) Tim Potter 1999
+ Copyright (C) Alexander Bokovoy 2002
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -16,6 +17,8 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ This work was sponsored by Optifacio Software Services, Inc.
#ifndef _VFS_H
@@ -40,8 +43,42 @@
/* Changed to version 2 for CIFS UNIX extensions (mknod and link added). JRA. */
/* Changed to version 3 for POSIX acl extensions. JRA. */
+/* Changed to version 4 for cascaded VFS interface. Alexander Bokovoy. */
+/* Version of supported cascaded interface backward copmatibility.
+ (version 4 corresponds to SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION 4)
+ It is used in vfs_init_custom() to detect VFS modules which conform to cascaded
+ VFS interface but implement elder version than current version of Samba uses.
+ This allows to use old modules with new VFS interface as far as combined VFS operation
+ set is coherent (will be in most cases).
+ Each VFS module must provide following global functions:
+ vfs_init_<modulename> -- initialization function
+ vfs_done_<modulename> -- finalization function
+ vfs_init_<modulename> must return proper initialized vfs_op_tuple[] array
+ which describes all operations this module claims to intercept. This function
+ is called whenever module is loaded into smbd process using sys_dlopen().
+ vfs_done_<modulename> must perform finalization of the module. In particular,
+ this function must free vfs_ops structure returned to module from smb_vfs_get_opaque_ops()
+ function if it is used (see below). This function is called whenever module
+ is unloaded from smbd process using sys_dlclose().
+ Prototypes:
+ vfs_op_tuple *vfs_init_<modulename>(int *vfs_version, const struct vfs_ops *def_vfs_ops, int vfs_id);
+ void vfs_done_<modulename>(connection_struct *conn);
+ All intercepted VFS operations must be declared as static functions inside module source
+ in order to keep smbd namespace unpolluted. See source of skel, audit, and recycle bin
+ example VFS modules for more details.
/* VFS operations structure */
struct connection_struct;
@@ -134,5 +171,164 @@
char *name;
char *value;
+ Available VFS operations. These values must be in sync with vfs_ops struct.
+ In particular, if new operations are added to vfs_ops, appropriate constants
+ should be added to vfs_op_type so that order of them kept same as in vfs_ops.
+typedef enum _vfs_op_type {
+ /* Disk operations */
+ /* Directory operations */
+ /* File operations */
+ /* NT ACL operations. */
+ /* POSIX ACL operations. */
+ /* This should always be last enum value */
+} vfs_op_type;
+ Possible VFS operation layers (per-operation)
+ These values are used by VFS subsystem when building vfs_ops for connection
+ from multiple VFS modules. Internally, Samba differentiates only opaque and
+ transparent layers at this process. Other types are used for providing better
+ diagnosing facilities.
+ Most modules will provide transparent layers. Opaque layer is for modules
+ which implement actual file system calls (like DB-based VFS). For example,
+ default POSIX VFS which is built in into Samba is an opaque VFS module.
+ Other layer types (audit, splitter, scanner) were designed to provide different
+ degree of transparency and for diagnosing VFS module behaviour.
+ Each module can implement several layers at the same time provided that only
+ one layer is used per each operation.
+typedef enum _vfs_op_layer {
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_NOOP = -1, /* - For using in VFS module to indicate end of array */
+ /* of operations description */
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE = 0, /* - Final level, does not call anything beyond itself */
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT, /* - Normal operation, calls underlying layer after */
+ /* possibly changing passed data */
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_LOGGER, /* - Logs data, calls underlying layer, logging does not */
+ /* use Samba VFS */
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_SPLITTER, /* - Splits operation, calls underlying layer _and_ own facility, */
+ /* then combines result */
+ SMB_VFS_LAYER_SCANNER /* - Checks data and possibly initiates additional */
+ /* file activity like logging to files _inside_ samba VFS */
+} vfs_op_layer;
+ VFS operation description. Each VFS module initialization function returns to VFS subsystem
+ an array of vfs_op_tuple which describes all operations this module is willing to intercept.
+ VFS subsystem initializes then vfs_ops using this information and passes it
+ to next VFS module as underlying vfs_ops and to connection after all VFS modules are initialized.
+typedef struct _vfs_op_tuple {
+ void* op;
+ vfs_op_type type;
+ vfs_op_layer layer;
+} vfs_op_tuple;
+/* VFS module handle is used in connection_struct for proper finalization of VFS module */
+typedef struct _smb_vfs_dl_handle {
+ void* handle;
+ char* done_method;
+} smb_vfs_dl_handle;
+ Return vfs_ops filled with current opaque VFS operations. This function is designed to
+ be called from VFS module initialization function for those modules which needs 'direct' VFS
+ access (loggers or initiators of file operations other than connection asks for).
+ Returned vfs_ops must be cleaned up in VFS module's finalizer function (vfs_done_<module_name>)
+ using safe_free().
+ Prototype:
+ struct vfs_ops *smb_vfs_get_opaque_ops();
+ This prototype will be available via include/proto.h
#endif /* _VFS_H */
Index: param/loadparm.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/param/loadparm.c,v
retrieving revision 1.415
diff -u -r1.415 loadparm.c
--- param/loadparm.c 2002/06/15 13:05:37 1.415
+++ param/loadparm.c 2002/06/17 08:46:49
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@
char *fstype;
char *szVfsObjectFile;
char *szVfsOptions;
+ char *szVfsPath;
int iMinPrintSpace;
int iMaxPrintJobs;
int iWriteCacheSize;
@@ -429,6 +430,7 @@
NULL, /* fstype */
NULL, /* vfs object */
NULL, /* vfs options */
+ NULL, /* vfs path */
0, /* iMinPrintSpace */
1000, /* iMaxPrintJobs */
0, /* iWriteCacheSize */
@@ -1017,6 +1019,7 @@
{"vfs object", P_STRING, P_LOCAL, &sDefault.szVfsObjectFile, handle_vfs_object, NULL, FLAG_SHARE},
{"vfs options", P_STRING, P_LOCAL, &sDefault.szVfsOptions, NULL, NULL, FLAG_SHARE},
+ {"vfs path", P_STRING, P_LOCAL, &sDefault.szVfsPath, NULL, NULL, FLAG_SHARE},
{"msdfs root", P_BOOL, P_LOCAL, &sDefault.bMSDfsRoot, NULL, NULL, FLAG_SHARE},
@@ -1636,6 +1639,7 @@
FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_fstype, fstype)
FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_vfsobj, szVfsObjectFile)
FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_vfs_options, szVfsOptions)
+FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_vfs_path, szVfsPath)
static FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_volume, volume)
FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_mangled_map, szMangledMap)
FN_LOCAL_STRING(lp_veto_files, szVetoFiles)
Index: smbd/conn.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/smbd/conn.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 conn.c
--- smbd/conn.c 2002/05/17 06:15:06 1.17
+++ smbd/conn.c 2002/06/17 08:46:49
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
Manage connections_struct structures
Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1998
+ Copyright (C) Alexander Bokovoy 2002
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -162,11 +163,25 @@
void conn_free(connection_struct *conn)
+ smb_vfs_dl_handle *dl_handle;
+ void (*done_fptr)(connection_struct *conn);
/* Free vfs_connection_struct */
if (conn->dl_handle != NULL) {
- /* Close dlopen() handle */
- sys_dlclose(conn->dl_handle);
+ for(dl_handle = conn->dl_handle; dl_handle->handle; dl_handle++) {
+ /* Close dlopen() handle */
+ done_fptr = (void (*)(connection_struct *))sys_dlsym(dl_handle->handle, dl_handle->done_method);
+ if (done_fptr == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(3, ("No %s() symbol found in module with handle %p, ignoring\n", dl_handle->done_method, dl_handle->handle));
+ } else {
+ done_fptr(conn);
+ }
+ sys_dlclose(dl_handle->handle);
+ string_free(&dl_handle->done_method);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(conn->dl_handle);
DLIST_REMOVE(Connections, conn);
Index: smbd/vfs.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/smbd/vfs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -u -r1.58 vfs.c
--- smbd/vfs.c 2002/05/17 06:15:06 1.58
+++ smbd/vfs.c 2002/06/17 08:46:49
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
Version 1.9.
VFS initialisation and support functions
Copyright (C) Tim Potter 1999
+ Copyright (C) Alexander Bokovoy 2002
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ This work was sponsored by Optifacio Software Services, Inc.
#include "includes.h"
@@ -28,11 +31,17 @@
void *fptr;
+ Opaque (final) vfs operations. This is a combination of first-met opaque vfs operations
+ across all currently processed modules. */
+static vfs_op_tuple vfs_opaque_ops[SMB_VFS_OP_LAST];
/* Default vfs hooks. WARNING: The order of these initialisers is
very important. They must be in the same order as defined in
vfs.h. Change at your own peril. */
-struct vfs_ops default_vfs_ops = {
+static struct vfs_ops default_vfs_ops = {
/* Disk operations */
@@ -117,58 +126,85 @@
initialise default vfs hooks
-static BOOL vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn)
+static void vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn)
DEBUG(3, ("Initialising default vfs hooks\n"));
memcpy(&conn->vfs_ops, &default_vfs_ops, sizeof(struct vfs_ops));
- return True;
+ conn->dl_handle = NULL;
initialise custom vfs hooks
-static BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn)
+static BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn, int vfs_number, const char *vfs_object)
int vfs_version = -1;
- struct vfs_ops *ops, *(*init_fptr)(int *, struct vfs_ops *);
+ vfs_op_tuple *ops, *(*init_fptr)(int *, const struct vfs_ops *, int);
+ fstring method_init_name;
+ fstring vfs_object_name;
+ char *sep;
+ int i;
- DEBUG(3, ("Initialising custom vfs hooks from %s\n", lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn))));
+ DEBUG(3, ("Initialising custom vfs hooks from %s\n", vfs_object));
/* Open object file */
- if ((conn->dl_handle = sys_dlopen(lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn)), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0, ("Error opening %s: %s\n", lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn)), sys_dlerror()));
+ if ((conn->dl_handle[vfs_number].handle = sys_dlopen(vfs_object, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Error opening %s: %s\n", vfs_object, sys_dlerror()));
return False;
+ /* Prepare symbols for initializer and finalizer */
+ fstrcpy(vfs_object_name, strrchr_m(vfs_object, '/')+1);
+ sep = strrchr_m(vfs_object_name, '.');
+ *sep = 0;
+ asprintf(&(conn->dl_handle[vfs_number].done_method), "vfs_done_%s", vfs_object_name);
+ fstr_sprintf(method_init_name, "vfs_init_%s", vfs_object_name);
/* Get handle on vfs_init() symbol */
- init_fptr = (struct vfs_ops *(*)(int *, struct vfs_ops *))sys_dlsym(conn->dl_handle, "vfs_init");
+ init_fptr = (vfs_op_tuple *(*)(int *, const struct vfs_ops *, int))sys_dlsym(conn->dl_handle[vfs_number].handle, method_init_name);
if (init_fptr == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0, ("No vfs_init() symbol found in %s\n", lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn))));
+ DEBUG(0, ("No %s() symbol found in %s\n", method_init_name, vfs_object));
return False;
/* Initialise vfs_ops structure */
- conn->vfs_ops = default_vfs_ops;
- if ((ops = init_fptr(&vfs_version, &default_vfs_ops)) == NULL) {
- DEBUG(0, ("vfs_init function from %s failed\n", lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn))));
- return False;
- }
- if (vfs_version != SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION) {
- DEBUG(0, ("vfs_init returned wrong interface version info (was %d, should be %d)\n",
- vfs_version, SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION ));
- return False;
- }
- if (ops != &conn->vfs_ops) {
- memcpy(&conn->vfs_ops, ops, sizeof(struct vfs_ops));
+ if ((ops = init_fptr(&vfs_version, &conn->vfs_ops, vfs_number)) == NULL) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s function from %s failed\n", method_init_name, vfs_object));
+ return False;
+ }
+ if ((vfs_version < SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_CASCADED)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("%s returned wrong interface version info (was %d, should be no less than %d)\n",
+ method_init_name, vfs_version, SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ if ((vfs_version < SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("Warning: %s states that module confirms interface version #%d, current interface version is #%d.\n\
+Proceeding in compatibility mode, new operations (since version #%d) will fallback to default ones.\n",
+ method_init_name, vfs_version, SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION, vfs_version ));
+ return False;
+ }
+ for(i=0; ops[i].op != NULL; i++) {
+ DEBUG(3, ("Checking operation #%d (type %d, layer %d)\n", i, ops[i].type, ops[i].layer));
+ if(ops[i].layer == SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE) {
+ /* Check whether this operation was already made opaque by different module */
+ if(vfs_opaque_ops[ops[i].type].op == ((void**)&default_vfs_ops)[ops[i].type]) {
+ /* No, it isn't overloaded yet. Overload. */
+ DEBUG(3, ("Making operation type %d opaque [module %s]\n", ops[i].type, vfs_object));
+ vfs_opaque_ops[ops[i].type] = ops[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Change current VFS disposition*/
+ DEBUG(3, ("Accepting operation type %d from module %s\n", ops[i].type, vfs_object));
+ ((void**)&conn->vfs_ops)[ops[i].type] = ops[i].op;
return True;
@@ -180,21 +216,70 @@
BOOL smbd_vfs_init(connection_struct *conn)
+ char **vfs_objects, *vfsobj, *vfs_module, *vfs_path;
+ int nobj, i;
+ /* Normal share - initialise with disk access functions */
+ vfs_init_default(conn);
+ /* Override VFS functions if 'vfs object' was specified*/
if (*lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn))) {
- /* Loadable object file */
- if (!vfs_init_custom(conn)) {
- DEBUG(0, ("smbd_vfs_init: vfs_init_custom failed\n"));
- return False;
+ vfsobj = NULL;
+ for(i=0; i<SMB_VFS_OP_LAST; i++) {
+ vfs_opaque_ops[i].op = ((void**)&default_vfs_ops)[i];
+ vfs_opaque_ops[i].type = i;
+ vfs_opaque_ops[i].layer = SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE;
- return True;
+ if (string_set(&vfsobj, lp_vfsobj(SNUM(conn)))) {
+ /* Parse passed modules specification to array of modules */
+ set_first_token(vfsobj);
+ /* We are using default separators: ' \t\r\n' */
+ vfs_objects = toktocliplist(&nobj, NULL);
+ if (vfs_objects) {
+ vfs_path = lp_vfs_path(SNUM(conn));
+ conn->dl_handle = smb_xmalloc((nobj+1)*sizeof(smb_vfs_dl_handle));
+ for(i=nobj-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ /* Loadable object file */
+ conn->dl_handle[i].handle = NULL;
+ conn->dl_handle[i].done_method = NULL;
+ vfs_module = NULL;
+ if (vfs_path) {
+ asprintf(&vfs_module, "%s/%s", vfs_path, vfs_objects[i]);
+ } else {
+ asprintf(&vfs_module, "%s", vfs_objects[i]);
+ }
+ if (!vfs_init_custom(conn, i, vfs_module)) {
+ DEBUG(0, ("smbd_vfs_init: vfs_init_custom failed for %s\n", vfs_module));
+ string_free(&vfsobj);
+ SAFE_FREE(vfs_module);
+ return False;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(vfs_module);
+ }
+ conn->dl_handle[nobj].handle = NULL;
+ conn->dl_handle[nobj].done_method = NULL;
+ }
+ string_free(&vfsobj);
+ return True;
+ }
- /* Normal share - initialise with disk access functions */
- return vfs_init_default(conn);
+ return True;
+ Create vfs_ops reflecting current vfs_opaque_ops
+struct vfs_ops *smb_vfs_get_opaque_ops()
+ int i;
+ struct vfs_ops *ops;
+ ops = smb_xmalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_ops));
+ for(i=0; i<SMB_VFS_OP_LAST; i++) {
+ ((void**)ops)[i] = vfs_opaque_ops[i].op;
+ }
+ return ops;
On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 10:44, Simo Sorce wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've just reviewed Alexander Cascaded VFS patch and found it ok,
> now I'm attaching a new diff against current CVS to make it easy to test
> before I commit it into the tree.
> Unfortunately I have not much time to test it so I have a little request
> for list attendees.
> To anyone interested in cascaded VFS:
> we need a simple tool to directly test vfs functionality out of smbd, so
> we are asking if is there someone with some spare time to take up code
> from a client like rpcclient rip off all the rpc things and use it as a
> skeleton to build up a vfs-tester where we can easily use commands like
> load_module, free_module, open close read write .... and all other vfs
> functions to make it easy for us to test the vfs.
> I'll wait a bit to merge vfs into head to find out if someone is willing
> to take up this simple task.
> Thank you all,
> Simo.
> --
> Simo Sorce - simo.sorce at
> Xsec s.r.l.
> via Durando 10 Ed. G - 20158 - Milano
> tel. +39 02 2399 7130 - fax: +39 02 700 442 399
Simo Sorce
Una scelta di liberta': Software Libero.
A choice of freedom: Free Software.
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