HP unix and Samba
sp at pcbc.co.th
Tue Jun 11 01:42:02 GMT 2002
Dear Sirs
I have two SUN X86 machines and one Windows NT server and one HP unix system in same network [total 4 machines==> 2- X86, 1-NT, 1-HP unix 10.2]
Samba WAS installed in all the systems, EXCEPT HP unix system, about a year back.
I am able to access X86 and NT workstations from windows 95 PC without any problem.
Recently I downloaded Samba version 2.0.3 BINARIES from internet. I successfully installed it on Hp system and I could see HP system along with other workstations under 'WORKGROUP' in windows 95 PC. Whenever I click on HP system icon, win95 PC asks only password not login. Even with correct password I get the error message in win95 PC like
"Password not correct, try again"
But I can access the same HP system from Windows NT workstation successfully. I changed password encryption option in smb config file but did not work ! I changed the windows 95 registry to send clear text password still it did not work! all the time I get same error message
I already added hashed password to my smbpasswd also, still it is not working. However I can access X86 machines from Windows 95 PC
Please help me
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