AW: [Fwd: smbd 2.2.4 Solaris 8 on intel (PR#24507)]
Klein.Roman at
Klein.Roman at
Thu Jun 6 00:42:33 GMT 2002
I am using for some years Samba on a Sun Enterprise 450 with 4 processors.
There are only a couple of users for the samba-system an that machine, but
we never faced problems.
Actual version of Samba is 2.2.4 on Solaris 2.6 SPARC.
I do not use:
pam,acl,automount,quotas on that machine.
Best Regards
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Simo Sorce [SMTP:idra at]
> Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2002 18:45
> An: samba-technical at
> Betreff: [Fwd: smbd 2.2.4 Solaris 8 on intel (PR#24507)]
> Better forward this bug to the technical list.
> Anyone using samba on >2 processors machine?
> -----Forwarded Message-----
> From: erempel at
> To: tridge at, idra at, jra at
> Cc: samba-bugs at
> Subject: smbd 2.2.4 Solaris 8 on intel (PR#24507)
> Date: 05 Jun 2002 09:29:30 -0700
> I am not even sure how to describe this issue.
> We have a University labratory environment with 150 or so Windows
> computers that connect to our samba server. We have smbd 2.2.2
> running on a Solaris 8 Sparc computer without an issue :-)
> We wish to move the smb services to a quad intel machine running
> Solaris 8. We first started with 2.2.4 compiled with the
> same options as on the sparc machine.
> Sparc options
> ./configure --prefix=/public/sparc/samba-2.2.2
> --sysconfdir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.2
> --with-configdir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.2
> --with-privatedir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.2/private
> --with-lockdir=/var/run
> --with-pam
> --with-acl-support
> --with-quotas
> --with-automount
> But we got hundreds of Signal 11 (segmentation faults).
> Even the nmbd died from this.
> We then switched back to 2.2.2, but had the same results.
> After some extensive trouble shooting, it appeared to be
> the --with-quotas option that was causing the problem,
> so we recompiled 2.2.4 with the following options
> -O2 -funroll-loops -fexpensive-optimizations' \
> -funroll-loops -fexpensive-optimizations' \
> > ./configure --prefix=/package/samba-2.2.4 \
> > --sysconfdir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.4 \
> > --with-configdir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.4 \
> > --with-privatedir=/etc/localhost/samba-2.2.4/private \
> > --with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba-2.2.4 \
> > --with-lockdir=/var/log/samba-2.2.4/locks \
> > --with-piddir=/var/log/samba-2.2.4 \
> > --with-acl-support \
> > --with-automount \
> > --with-pam \
> > --sharedstatedir=/var/samba-2.2.4
> With only two Win2k machines using this server, we were unable to
> reproduce the segmentation faults. We fineshed the configuration, and
> then we switched smb services to this machine.
> 1. stop nmbd on current server
> 2. start smbd on new server
> 3. start nmbd on new server
> As clients connect to the netbios name, they gradually learn of
> the new server. The connections to the old server taper off,
> and the connections to the new server start to build.
> Almost immediately, the logs include the segmentation fault error
> message (signal 11).
> Incidentally, compiling without any CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS
> does not make any difference to this problem, nor does using
> Suns supplied gcc with the Sun as/ld or if we use gcc3.0.4 with
> gnu as/ld.
> I have a level 3 logs at
> Any assistance/test we can do to help out is of course available.
> thanks,
> --
> Evan Rempel <erempel at UVic.CA> 250.721.8296
> Senior Programmer Analyst
> University of Victoria
> --
> Simo Sorce
> ----------
> Una scelta di liberta': Software Libero.
> A choice of freedom: Free Software.
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