(no subject)
Lapers Stefan
Stefan.Lapers at GB.BE
Sun Jun 2 23:43:01 GMT 2002
Sorry, hit the reply button instead to the maillist.
Hi there,
Well the problem seems to be resolved, I didn't get it working on RH7.3
I reverted to RH 7.2 and used an rpm of 2.2.4 instead of compiling it
myself, now it seems ok.
I used the same smb.conf.
What i saw :
- On NT4 when the printer was installed, all properties were accessible by a
normal user and under ports I had a Lanman printer port, also the speed to
access these settings were a lot faster.
- On W2k and XP I had a samba printer port and a normal user didn't have
access to the settings of the printer, CPU on my server went around 20% ->
30% for 1 connection ( loglevel 0 ! )
I thought the disable spoolss was the solution, but as it seems it has been
planned to be removed in version 3.x ?
So this means I am stuck with the braindead MS-RPC, I really want to get
this stable as it will go in production in a month or so, I already have
been testing for about 4 months now and it was a real nightmare... ( I don't
blame samba :-) )
Even with version 2.2.4 i have problems with landscape and paper settings.
The strange thing is that it is so unpredictable, I admit I used use client
drivers = yes , but if I don't use it printer settings are not accessible
for the users and the smbd process is really eating the CPU, we are testing
it with about 20 users so the load shouldn't be that high.
It will have about 1200 user on it and 130 printers, printing a monthly
volume of about 300.000 pages. It's a big project for our head office here
in Belgium.
Stefan Lapers
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald Carter [SMTP:jerry at samba.org]
Sent: zondag 2 juni 2002 22:35
To: Lapers Stefan
Cc: 'samba-technical at samba.org'
Subject: Re: Disable spoolss
On Thu, 30 May 2002, Lapers Stefan wrote:
> Due to quite some problems with the RPC printing code in samba
> paper size), I would like to disable the spoolss functionality and
use the
> old code.
> However I will probably need Active Directory support in the near
future, so
> reverting to samba 2.0 is no option.
> Happy me, there is the disable spoolss option in the smb.conf
> I'm using 2.2.4 compiled on Intel RH 7.3, but samba seems to
ignore the
> disable spoolss = yes option for Win2K and WinXP clients. NT 4
seems to be
> ok.
> Anyone has a solution, quite desperate over here.
This works fine with my Win2kSP2 client here.
What behavior makes you think that smbd is not obeying the
cheers, jerry
"Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed. ISBN
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