How does Samba Solve this problem?
Jeremy Allison
jra at
Mon Jul 22 12:14:21 GMT 2002
On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 02:48:48PM +0800, zhangyfh at wrote:
> As we know, in linux, there's no the concept of DENY MODE.
> In M$ windows, when open a file, you use the API
> CreateFile (LPCTSTR lpFileName,
> DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
> DWORD dwShareMode,
> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,
> DWORD dwCreationDistribution,
> DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,
> HANDLE hTemplateFile)
> the parameter dwShareMode define the deny mode, fo example, if open a file
> with DENY_WRITE, aother applications can't write this file.
> When M$ WORD open a file, then other applications can't write the same
> file.
> But in Linux , when open a file you use open(char *fname, int mode),
> there's no DENY MODE.
> So my question is that, What does Samba do to propose an open request with
> DENY MODE from a window client.
Samba takes care of this internally in the share mode database, it's
not visible to the Linux kernel.
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