authentication problem

Pranay abex at
Mon Jan 28 20:57:02 GMT 2002

not sure but....firstly try to use '//' instead of using '\' slash. & also try
to doing it with "SU".


"Glenn, Skeeter" wrote:

> File /data server running Solaris 2.6 loaded with Samba 2.0
> Multiple PC environments Windows 95, 98 and 2000.
> Problem, some times when mapping the PCs to the samba server we must use the
> \\name\data other times we must use \\\data and still other
> times, we must use \\IP-address\data And on those rare days, none of the
> above work at all.  Any ideas
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Part 1.2    Type: application/ms-tnef
>            Encoding: base64

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