Distributed Winbind

Esh, Andrew AEsh at tricord.com
Fri Jan 25 12:34:20 GMT 2002

A while back there was a small amount of discussion about winbind, and the
problem of Unix-ID-to-Windows-SID mappings being done independently on each
Samba server. Files being moved between such servers via Unix methods such
as NFS and FTP servers would probably become owned by a different Windows

Is there any interest in having a Master winbind daemon open a network
socket for Client winbind daemons to make requests from? Is this not a
problem for anyone else?

Andrew C. Esh                mail:Andrew.Esh at tricord.com
Tricord Systems, Inc.
2905 Northwest Blvd., Suite 20        763-557-9005 (main)
Plymouth, MN 55441-2644 USA      763-551-6418 (direct)
http://www.tricord.com - Tricord Home Page

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