Call for final changes for 2.2.3.

Shahms E. King shahms at
Fri Jan 18 10:42:06 GMT 2002

On Fri, 2002-01-18 at 10:16, Jeremy Allison wrote:
> Hi all,
>         I think 2.2.3 is just about "done". So if there's something that
> you *really* need that's not in it, now is the time to shout. Otherwise
> we're going to spend the next few weeks regression testing and fixing
> up all the packaging systems.
> Bear in mind that any request will delay 2.2.3 by a bit (depending on
> how big it is).
> Speak now or......  :-).
> Jeremy.

Gerald can I get a "yay" or "nay" on the LDAP account separation stuff?
if "yay" it would be nice to get it in 2.2.3, it's small and shouldn't
effect anything.


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