Is there any way to Implement a policy engine in SAMBA

Srinivas, Mohan mohan.srinivas at
Thu Jan 17 05:45:04 GMT 2002

Hi everybody,
can anybody help me in this aspect. Is there any way to implement a policy
engine with in SAMBA. i.e apart from the 
policies provided by the SAMBA if i want to incorporate some more policies,
How can i do with SAMBA? Is there anyway
to intercept SAMBA system calls to do this? or any other way? 

Example policy is to decide between various disks available.
i.e suppose if the user or admin want to store all files of size greater
than 50kb on one disk and all files of size less than 50kb 
on one disk. 

How can i do this with SAMBA? 

Is it possible to intercept the SAMBA system calls or i have to change the
code or Is it a seperate module which can interoperate with SAMBA to do

Plz help me to solve this problem. 

p.s: I am very new to SAMBA.:-):-)

Waiting for the help :-):-)

Thanks and Regards, 
mohan srinivas.

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