latest 2.2 cvs does not compile

Jim McDonough jmcd at
Wed Jan 16 11:59:10 GMT 2002

>>in the latest 2.2 cvs i get a error while compiling winbindd_wins.c  .
>> strncat is used, but a macro defines it as illegal.

>I don't understand why you only saw this error in winbindd_wins.c
>since there is also a use of strncat in wb_common.c as well. From
>your earlier post it looks like you have a problem in your setup
>which causes the macro to be used instead of the function call. I
>have not seen this on other systems.

BTW, it happens on my system... ;-)

Jim McDonough
IBM Linux Technology Center
Samba Team
6 Minuteman Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074

jmcd at
jmcd at

Phone: (207) 885-5565
IBM tie-line: 776-9984

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