(Sorry) Losing network drives (Windows 2000)

Lisa Becktold {CADIG STAFF} lisa at usna.navy.mil
Wed Jan 16 07:33:04 GMT 2002

I posted an earlier message that did not include a problem description.
Sorry about that....

I have received a response from a samba mail list reader who says he
is having the same problem (losing Samba shares mapped to Windows 2000
workstations).  He has asked me to forward any information or solutions...

I did notice that "max connections=40" was set under the homes share in
my smb.conf file.  I'm not sure how that got there....  I commented it
out, and our system programmer restarted Samba early this morning.
I will track drive mapping today to see if deleting the "max connections"
parameter has any affect at all.  It may be irrelevant, because I
lose all four shares on the Windows 2000 workstation, not just the home

After the shares disappear, I can go to the command line on the Windows 
2000 workstation and use the "net use" command to remap the shares.  This 
works without a problem.

Sorry for earlier "blank" posting.



------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 13:41:00 -0500 (EST)
From: "Lisa Becktold {CADIG STAFF}" <lisa at usna.navy.mil>
To: samba at lists.samba.org
cc: lisa at usna.navy.MIL
Subject: Losing network drives (Windows 2000)


We are running Samba on an SGI server that is a member of a
Windows 2000 domain.  The "password server" parameter in smb.conf
is set to the Windows 2000 server - users are authenticated against
the Windows 2000 server, NOT the Samba server.  Also, security is
set to "SERVER".

Each user's UNIX home directory is mapped to the Windows 2000 PC when
the user logs in.  This is done via a login script on the Windows 2000
server.  However, just today we noticed that users were logging in
but their network drives (shared via Samba from the SGI server) were
NOT mapping to the PC.  

Another problem - the drive would map when the user logged in, but
then "disappear".  The drive was there upon login, the user saved
files to it, but later on in the session the drive disappeared!
We were able to go to the command prompt and re-map the drive 
immediately with the "net use" command.

Has anyone else had this problem?   Does it have anything to do
with the "max connections" parameter?  I noticed this is set to
"40" under the homes share...

Please send any info you have to "lisa at usna.navy.mil".

Thanks for your help!

------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

      Lisa M. Becktold - lisa at usna.navy.mil, (410) 293-6480
               United States Naval Academy - CADIG          
    590 Holloway Road, Rickover Hall, Annapolis, MD 21402-5000

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