netbios over tcp/ip on samba

Pranay abex at
Mon Jan 14 21:25:02 GMT 2002

Hi Tony,

    What do u want to do exactly...??? Do u mean to say that u want to
send messages from Windows to Linux using a NetBIOS name of that linux
machine. If yes, do u want to send that messages by using "net send"
...??? or any other programme..???



Tony wrote:

> hello everybody,
> i need is to develop two applications, to communicate to each other
> using API netbios over tcp/ip for linux.
> the client application will be running on windows and the server
> application will be running on linux.
> the scenario is :
> a client program (running on windows) that sends messages (using
> netbios over tcp/ip) to a server application (running on linux redhat
> 7.1 or 7.2).
>  i know that the netbios over tcp/ip is implemented, in linux, by
> samba.
> but i didn't find anything that seems like the netbios functions that
> i used for windows/os2.
> what i need is to know how i do this things in linux :
> - add netbios name
> - send and receive messages
> - remove netbios name
> can you help me ?
> thank's in advance.
> tony ;-)

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