AW: locking 2.0.7 -> 2.2.2

Hans-Joerg Wolff Hans-Joerg.Wolff at
Thu Jan 10 22:28:03 GMT 2002

> I have a client that upgraded from 2.0.x to 2.2.2 and is having a fairly
> regular locking problem where two client applications (some FoxPro DB on
> a share) stop responding to user input. Sometimes killing one brings the
> other one back. So my questions are:
We run into the same problems (also with a FoxPro DB application) with
2.2.2 but
with a 2.4.x kernel ...

It was fixed in the current 2.2.3 (a few weeks ago) stream having still
some trouble with a mixture between W2k and W98 clients. But also this
problem seems to be fixed with a snapshot
one or two weeks back.

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