Samba and Out Of Connection Structures on Solaris (again)

Jasper Jans jasper.jans at
Thu Jan 10 01:44:10 GMT 2002


Thanks for your input. Debug will be enabled today in the
timeframe that we usually experience the problems. However
I got an other reply that seems to indicate where we run
into problems. Our environment uses NT4 terminal servers
to connect to the samba fileserver - and this person had
the same problems as we are seeing. 

Subject: Antwort: Samba and Out Of Connection Structures on Solaris (again)
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:33:33 +0100
From: hassfeld at
To: <richard.vanbeers at>

Hi there!

Are you running a Windows NT4 Terminal Server Edition or Windows 2000
Server with Terminal Services enabled out there? I had the same problem
with shares used by Windows 2000 Terminal Server sessions, because all
shares on your file server used by that server are connected through a
single SMB connection, which runs out ouf connection structures. I raised
MAX_CONNECTIONS in source/smbd/conn.c to 512 and compiled again and it

The idea is the following - run debug during the "regular" problem
times and see what that gives us. Recompile samba with the MAX_CONNECTIONS
set to a higher level (using the 512 mentioned above) and repalce the
current daemons with the new ones after working hours tonight.

So hopefully we will know by tomorrow if this has fixed our problem.
If it does - it might be a good idea to either up this limit in the
new release - or put a warning in the release notes that if you are
running terminal services you might want to up this level...


| -----Original Message-----
| From: davecb at [mailto:davecb at]On
| Behalf Of David Collier-Brown
| Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 7:02 PM
| To: samba-technical at
| Cc: David.Collier-Brown at Sun.COM; Jasper Jans;
| richard.vanbeers at
| Subject: Re: Samba and Out Of Connection Structures on Solaris (again)
| on the general samba list, Jasper Jans wrote:
| |plimit -mk:
| | 8592:   /home/sw/sparc-SunOS-5.8-pro64/samba-2.2.2/sbin/smbd -D
| |   resource              current         maximum
| |  time(seconds)         unlimited       unlimited
| |  file(kbytes)          unlimited       unlimited
| |  data(kbytes)          unlimited       unlimited
| |  stack(kbytes)         8192            unlimited
| |  coredump(kbytes)      unlimited       unlimited
| |  nofiles(descriptors)  51200           52224
| |  vmemory(kbytes)       unlimited       unlimited
| |
| | pfiles:
| | 8592:   /home/sw/sparc-SunOS-5.8-pro64/samba-2.2.2/sbin/smbd -D
| |  Current rlimit: 51200 file descriptors
| I then wrote: 
| >         Ok, it's more likely to be a Samba problem
| >         than Slolaris...  Off to the Samba-Technical
| >         list we go.
| He's getting 
| Samba.log:
| [2002/01/09 12:37:31, 1] smbd/conn.c:(104)
|   ERROR! Out of connection structures
| [2002/01/09 12:37:31, 0] smbd/service.c:(325)
|   Couldn't find free connection.
| This is on Solaris 8, 64-bit, with the rlim_fd_cur=2048 and
| rlim_fd_max=8192 and the fd's per process to 51200 via plimit,
| which has set the system limits properly.
| We use getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,...), which seems to return
|     rlim_cur = 256U
|     rlim_max = 1024U
| with the default rlimit: 10010 file descriptors
| Suggestion to Mr Jans: print the values with DEBUG
| found in 
|   File           Function        Line
| 2 util.c         set_maxfiles    1516 if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,
| This may be a Solaris issue, or a bug in the logic
| that sizes samba's file bitmap. If it's the former,
| I can officially report it.
| --dave
| -- 
| David Collier-Brown,           | Always do right. This will gratify 
| Americas Customer Engineering, | some people and astonish the rest.
| SunPS Integration Services.    |                      -- Mark Twain
| (905) 415-2849                 | davecb at

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