Fwd: Samba and referrals in LDAP

Shahms E. King shahms at shahms.com
Wed Feb 27 08:29:04 GMT 2002

I think he was talking about the rebinding API; but the same answer
(sort of applies) at least the Netscape SDK uses the same method,
leading me to suspect that it is, indeed, the standard method of
specifying a rebinding function:

int LDAP_CALL LDAP_CALLBACK rebindproc( LDAP *ld, char **dnp, 
   char **passwdp, int *authmethodp, int freeit, void *arg );


void ldap_set_rebind_proc( LDAP *ld, 
   LDAP_REBINDPROC_CALLBACK *rebindproc, void *arg );

so I'm pretty sure it's standard.


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