Status of NetApp joining Samba PDC

Lars-Gunnar Persson lars-gunnar.persson at
Wed Feb 20 07:05:07 GMT 2002

I've just a small question: What's the status of the situation where a
NetApp trying to connect to a Samba PDC?

We've a Dell PowerEdge with RedHat Linux 7.2 and Samba 2.2.2a acting as a
PDC for our local Windows network. I've not managed to be able to join this
domain from a NetApp F85 with OS NetApp Release 6.1.1R2.

Has someone else managed to do this? If so, can you please send me a short
guide on how to do it?

Thank you!

Lars-Gunnar Persson
System Administrator

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
Address: Edvard Griegs vei 3a, N-5059 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 29 72 88, Fax: +47 55 20 00 50
E-mail: lars-gunnar.persson at,
Direct line: +47 55 29 29 01 ext. 222, Mobile: +47 932 23 560

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