Criticality and control types in ldap?

Jim McDonough jmcd at
Fri Feb 1 18:41:04 GMT 2002

>> Ok, I've hit a stumbling block on publishing printer info.  Anyone know
>> to set what netmon calls "criticality" and "control type" in an LDAP
>> request?  Or where I can look it up?

>You could try sniffing with ethereal - it might give you a different
>picture of things.
I did.  Ethereal doesn't know what they are.  Just says "Invalid ldap
packet".  That's why I used netmon.

But a Win2k box manages to generate it, and the win2k dc wants it for the
modify request when an attribute doesn't already exist.

Jim McDonough
IBM Linux Technology Center
Samba Team
6 Minuteman Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074

jmcd at
jmcd at

Phone: (207) 885-5565
IBM tie-line: 776-9984

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