Procedure for Finding Master Browser And Workgroup List

Allen, Michael B (RSCH) Michael_B_Allen at
Wed Mar 28 02:26:49 GMT 2001

How exactly should one go about extracting the list of workgroups for
the 'smb://' URL? For example right now I do:

1) Broadcast for MSBROWSE name
2) Reverse Lookup on IP Address of response to extact called name
3) Connect to IPC$ through CalledName<20> but if that fails connect
4) Issue NetServerEnum2 with serverTypes = 0x80000000

Is this correct? On my network I see three responses to the initial
MSBROWSE lookup and Win2K doesn't seem to respond to
querying 0x80000000 for SRV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM.


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