vuids & tids

Nigel Williams nigel at
Sun Jul 22 20:58:11 GMT 2001


Samba keeps a list of 'vusers' associated with vuids.  These vusers are
stored at process scope and are not related to any cnum or tid.  Within
switch_message the vuid in each smb request is used to change the process's
credentials before the request is processed.  This suggests that in
situations where there is more than one session active over a particular tcp
connection it is possible for one vuser to issue requests directed at a tid
created for another vuser.  Has this been observed or does each vuser
connect their own trees?

The torture program in the utils directory contains a security test which
checks for file access over two separate VCs.  Is VC a name for any
connection or does it relate to multiple sessions running over a single
connection or both?


Nigel WIlliams
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