SMBFS Reconnection

Thomas Rothwell topaz at
Thu Jul 19 15:19:46 GMT 2001

Howdy All,
What I'm using:
     -Mounting an NT share located on Win2kSP1
     -Redhat 7.1
     -Samba (latest RPM's found for fixing Win2kSP2 problems)
     -Kernel 2.4.6.  I haven't tried any 2.4.7pre releases yet.
     -Shared files are accessed through Apache/Coldfusion
The reconnection problem might be that Apache is using the share and not
being able to "trigger" the reconnect.
The only error message I can find in my logs besides HTTPD Access Logs
is in /etc/var/messages (syslog).  It shows:
kernel: smb_get_length: recv error = 104
kernel: smb_trans2_request: result=-104, setting invalid
kernel: smb_retry: successful, new pid=143, generation=6
So it has recreated the connection 6 times.  It is always the "104"
This happens when I access the mounted directory for Apache to use.  I'm
also actively developing on this pages.  These are coldfusion pages as
Apache just seems to have fits about this.  Is there a way that this.
Possibly never having to reconnect?
Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful,
-- TJ

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