questions about cli_send_smb

Simo Sorce idra at
Sat Jul 7 15:31:46 GMT 2001

I'm trying to understand why code to reestablish a connection is
in cli_send_smb !?

the cli_reestablish_connection(cli) function will call 
  cli_establish_connection() function that in turn
   will call cli_connect(), cli_session_request(), cli_negprot(),

this will happen also before this sequence had already happened one
time voluntarily and cli structures are filled properly.

cli_send_smb is called by cli_session_request, cli_negprot, cli_session_setup
and others...

for example cli->user_name is set the first time by cli_session_setup()
but it is used in cli_establish_connection to call cli_session_setup and
this may happen before cli_session_setup has been ever called.

I'm relatively new to this part of code, so I may have overseen some
condition that prevent this kind of things, or it may also be a legal

I'm just asking to understand if this behaviour is correct or not and
if it is the expected behaviour, where am I wrong?

Simo Sorce       idra at
Samba Team

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