libsmbclient: Browsing and a URI spec?

Welsh, Armand armand.welsh at
Thu Jan 4 19:08:09 GMT 2001

Right.  It's a Single Master Domain.  The Master Domain maintains the
accounts, and the remote domains, the workgroup domains, maintain the local
machine accounts.  The one way trusts allow the workgroup domains to
authenticate the users of the master domain.

So, then, the question is should it even be addressed in the context that is
being discussed, or should it be part of a trust relation support mechanism?


-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Christopher R. Hertel [mailto:crh at]
-> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 10:06 AM
-> To: Welsh, Armand
-> Cc: Samba Technical
-> Subject: Re: libsmbclient: Browsing and a URI spec?
-> > So in both cases, I can authenticate specify where to 
-> authenticate, the
-> > workgroup is just the default authenticator.  But I can 
-> still authenticate
-> > where I want, the way I want, just as in NT.
-> Right.  The assumption is that if your workgroup is, in fact, an NT 
-> Domain then you will also authenticate to that NT Domain.  
-> The case in 
-> which you would authenticate against the DC of a different domain is 
-> considered an exception.
-> In Mike's case, if I understand it correctly, his organization wants 
-> everyone to authenticate against a single ntdomain, and then 
-> they set up 
-> trust relationships to the other ntdomains.
-> Chris -)-----
-> -- 
-> Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University 
-> of Minnesota
-> crh at              Networking and 
-> Telecommunications Services
->     Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them
->     with your choose them as your guides, and following
->     them you will reach your destiny.  --Carl Schultz

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