Wildcard handling

Andrew Tridgell tridge at samba.org
Wed Feb 14 12:13:35 GMT 2001

> Yup.  That's what I found.  I think the only main difference is
> how to handle the '?' wildcard.   At least as far as I can tell.

unfortunately this doens't seem to be the case. Using -m with masktest
to eliminate '?' doesn't solve the problems. 

A limited test one wildcard at a time shows that '"' doesn't seem to
be affected but thats the only one that isn't. The others (ie. '<>*?')
all change in some way.

The trick I used to develop ms_fnmatch() was to use masktest with -m
and -f to work out the behaviours of the wildcard characters
individually and then only after I had code that got huge numbers of
random examples right for each individual wildcard to try combining
them. Luckily it turned out that the wildcards operated pretty much
independently so this was easy, lets just hope the same holds true
this time.

Cheers, Tridge

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