Smbmount broken?

Urban Widmark urban at
Mon Dec 17 06:46:07 GMT 2001

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Vance Lankhaar wrote:

> >Not sure I understand what you mean by disappear, but it is of course
> >legal to mount something else on top and that hides the smbfs mount(s). Or
> >does the mountpoint itself disappear? That could be a smbfs bug.
> Yes, the mountpoint itself disappears.

Ok, I'll have a look at both these problems.

Could you please send the exact commands used? Is it something like:

# smbmount //student_server/users /mnt/temp/ -o username=vance
# ls /mnt
# mount -t vfat /dev/hdb6 /mnt/temp
# ls /mnt

And do you get this with smbmount from both 2.2.2 and HEAD?
Kernel version?


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