Japanese facility patch

Hiroshi MIURA miura at samba.gr.jp
Fri Sep 29 18:00:10 GMT 2000


This large patch extend and fix some bug on Japanese environment.

It is complex and difficult problem for non-Japanese developer.
and also  for Japanese Developer, this is too difficult to understand.
I think that it is better to post this mail not only samba-patches
but also samba-technical ML and sugj-tech ML(sugj: Samba User Group Japan).

This patch does 

1. support some japanese code defined Microsoft Code Page 932
   that cannot be supported by samba 2.0.7 and older.

    these codes are so-called Vendor Dependent Code. But now
   Microsoft Character set include these codes.
   In these codes, some typeface has two or more code points.  

   So we must regulate these codes to one code point.

   plese refer 'CJKV information processing, Ken Lunde, 1998, 
   O'Reilly'  to understand  these Japanese specific problems.


  This problem is described in
    pp.591, 'Microsoft Japanese' and
    pp.629, 'Microsoft Japanese Encoding'
 in pp.591,

    The charecter ses in Windows3.1J and Win95J are identical,
  and can be described as JIS X 0209-1990 with NEC Row 13 plus
  the IBM Selected Kanji and Non-kanji sets (in both IBM and NEC 
  posisions). See the IBM Japananese and NEC Kanji section for 
  more information on these character sets, on pages 583 and 592
  of this chapter, respectively. For details about Shift-JIS encoding, 
  see page 175 in Chapter 4 , Encoding Methods, This caracter set is
  also known as Microsoft Code Page 932.

2. To support the no.1 issue, I extended the code converting facility.

2.1   supoprt JIS X0212(Japanese Inductory Standard Character Set 0212:
    aka Supplement Kanji) on EUC environment. This can use by setting
  Coding System = EUC3 in smb.conf.

  Why named EUC3? because EUC code of JIS X0212 has 3 byte code.  

  Coverting rule is discussed on The Open Group Japan,
   Japan Vendor Committee , CDE/Motif team, in 1995 
  I adopt it for converting map. 

2.2.   JIS X0212 is now supported on Solaris, HP-UX, and so on.
   BUT Linux and FreeBSD do NOT support it. 
   then I decide to map these code to JIS X0208 undefined area.

   In book CJKV, page 592, there is a table to describe NEC kanji.
   The NEC Kanji area includes 360 IBM Selected Kanji and 14 IBM
   Selected Non-Kanji.

   IBM Selected Kanji and Non-Kanji is defined out of EUC code 
   area. (ie. not in 94x94)
   But NEC Kanji is  defined inside 94 x 94 area.  
   So, if we map  IBM Kanji  to NEC Kanji, these codes is 
   able to convert to normal EUC. 
   we cannot convert IBM Kanji to EUC directly.

3. Support UTF-8 on samba file coding system.
   by Coding system = utf8  in smb.conf.

   ...this feature is not important, i think.  

4.  for compatibility to Windows NT, that I add the Zenkaku russian 
   Alphabet handle codes. 

5. These code is tested widely. Because these code is implemented in
  Samba Japanese Edition, and some Japanese Linux distributer
  adopt it for their product.

This patch is for CVS SAMBA_2_2 branch on Sep29

*** these feature is important for Japanese user!! ***

It is too dificult work for me to describe this problem correctly.
To assist this work, I use the book CJKV. Excuse me...

Hiroshi Miura 
Samba User Group Japan staff.

--- samba22/source/include/kanji.h	Fri Nov 13 04:40:33 1998
+++ samba-2.2-ja/source/include/kanji.h	Sat Sep 30 01:27:29 2000
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 #define is_shift_jis(c) \
     ((0x81 <= ((unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c)) <= 0x9f) \
-     || (0xe0 <= ((unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c)) <= 0xef))
+     || (0xe0 <= ((unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c)) <= 0xfc))
 #define is_shift_jis2(c) \
     (0x40 <= ((unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c)) <= 0xfc \
     && ((unsigned char) (c)) != 0x7f)
@@ -52,12 +52,33 @@
     (is_sj_upper2 (c) ? ((int) ((unsigned char) (c) - 0x60 + 0x81)) : \
      ((int) (unsigned char) (c)))
+#define is_sj_ru_upper2(c) \
+  ((0x40 <= (unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c) <= 0x60))
+#define is_sj_ru_lower2(c) \
+  (((0x70 <= (unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c) <= 0x7e)) || \
+   ((0x80 <= (unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c) <= 0x91)))
+#define sjis_russian 0x84
+#define is_sj_russian(c) (sjis_russian == (unsigned char) (c))
+#define is_sj_ru_upper(c1, c2) (is_sj_russian (c1) && is_sj_ru_upper2 (c2))
+#define is_sj_ru_lower(c1, c2) (is_sj_russian (c1) && is_sj_ru_lower2 (c2))
+#define sj_ru_toupper2(c) \
+    (is_sj_ru_lower2 (c) ? ((int) ((unsigned char) (c) + \
+	(((unsigned char)(c) >= 0x4f) ? (0x70 - 0x40) : (0x80 - 0x4f)))) : \
+	((int) (unsigned char) (c)))
+#define sj_ru_tolower2(c) \
+    (is_sj_ru_upper2 (c) ? ((int) ((unsigned char) (c) - \
+	(((unsigned char)(c) >= 0x80) ? (0x70 - 0x40) : (0x80 - 0x4f)))) : \
+        ((int) (unsigned char) (c)))
 #ifdef _KANJI_C_
 #define euc_kana (0x8e)
 #define is_euc_kana(c) (((unsigned char) (c)) == euc_kana)
 #define is_euc(c)  (0xa0 < ((unsigned char) (c)) && ((unsigned char) (c)) < 0xff)
+#define euc_sup (0x8f)
+#define is_euc_sup(c) (((unsigned char ) (c)) == euc_sup) 
 /* default jis third shift code, use for output */
 #ifndef JIS_KSO
@@ -167,5 +188,552 @@
 #define HEX_CODE (5)
 #define CAP_CODE (6)
+#define EUC3_CODE (7)
+#define UTF8_CODE (8)
+#ifdef _KANJI_C_
+/* For conversion */
+#define EXTSJISC(c)   (0xf0 <= ((unsigned char)(c)) \
+		       && ((unsigned char)(c) <= 0xfc)) 
+#define GETAHI (0x81)
+#define GETALO (0xac)
+typedef struct _sjis_regur_t {
+	int start;
+	int end;
+	int rstart;
+} sjis_regur_t;
+/*  When Converting to EUC and JIS,  there is no room for 
+ *  these SJIS codes whose hi byte is larger than 0xf0.
+ *  
+ *  So we must drop or convert it to harmless code.
+ *  This is not standard way, so it is ad hoc but practical. 
+ *  It is also thought of backward and future compatibility.
+ * 
+ *      Miura.
+ */
+static sjis_regur_t sjisconv[] = {
+{0xfa40, 0xfa49, 0xeeef},
+{0xfa4a, 0xfa53, 0x8754},
+{0xfa54, 0xfa54, 0x81ca},
+{0xfa55, 0xfa57, 0xeefa},
+{0xfa58, 0xfa58, 0x878a},
+{0xfa59, 0xfa59, 0x8782},
+{0xfa5a, 0xfa5a, 0x8784},
+{0xfa5b, 0xfa5b, 0x81e6},
+{0xfa5c, 0xfa7e, 0xed40},
+{0xfa80, 0xfa9b, 0xed63},
+{0xfa9c, 0xfafc, 0xed80},
+{0xfb40, 0xfb5b, 0xede1},
+{0xfb5c, 0xfb7e, 0xee40},
+{0xfb80, 0xfb9b, 0xee63},
+{0xfb9c, 0xfbfc, 0xee80},
+{0xfc40, 0xfc4b, 0xeee1}
+#define	SJISCONVTBLSIZ	(sizeof(sjisconv) / sizeof(sjis_regur_t))
+static sjis_regur_t sjisrev[] = {
+{0x81ca, 0x81ca, 0xfa54},
+{0x81e6, 0x81e6, 0xfa5b},
+{0x8754, 0x875d, 0xfa4a},
+{0x8782, 0x8782, 0xfa59},
+{0x8784, 0x8784, 0xfa5a},
+{0x878a, 0x878a, 0xfa58},
+{0xed40, 0xed62, 0xfa5c},
+{0xed63, 0xed7e, 0xfa80},
+{0xed80, 0xede0, 0xfa9c},
+{0xede1, 0xedfc, 0xfb40},
+{0xee40, 0xee62, 0xfb5c},
+{0xee63, 0xee7e, 0xfb80},
+{0xee80, 0xeee0, 0xfb9c},
+{0xeee1, 0xeeec, 0xfc40},
+{0xeeef, 0xeef8, 0xfa40},
+{0xeefa, 0xeefc, 0xfa55}
+#define	SJISREVTBLSIZ	(sizeof(sjisrev) / sizeof(sjis_regur_t))
+typedef struct _sjis_euc_map_t {
+  int  sjis;
+  int  euc;
+} sjis_euc_map_t;
+static sjis_euc_map_t euc3conv2[] = {
+{0x8754 , 0xf3fd},
+{0x8755 , 0xf3fe},
+{0x8756 , 0xf4a1},
+{0x8757 , 0xf4a2},
+{0x8758 , 0xf4a3},
+{0x8759 , 0xf4a4},
+{0x875a , 0xf4a5},
+{0x875b , 0xf4a6},
+{0x875c , 0xf4a7},
+{0x875d , 0xf4a8},
+{0x8782 , 0xf4ac},
+{0x8784 , 0xf4ad},
+{0x878a , 0xf4ab}
+#define	EUC3CONV2TBLSIZ	(sizeof(euc3conv2) / sizeof(sjis_euc_map_t))
+/* IBM Kanji to EUC 3byte */
+static int euc3conv[] = {
+/* 0xfa40 */ 
+0xf3f3, 0xf3f4, 0xf3f5, 0xf3f6, 0xf3f7, 0xf3f8, 0xf3f9, 0xf3fa, 0xf3fb, 0xf3fc, 0xf3fd, 0xf3fe, 0xf4a1, 0xf4a2, 0xf4a3, 0xf4a4,
+/* 0xfa50 */
+0xf4a5, 0xf4a6, 0xf4a7, 0xf4a8, 0, 0xa2c3, 0xf4a9, 0xf4aa, 0xf4ab, 0xf4ac, 0xf4ad, 0, 0xd4e3, 0xdcdf, 0xe4e9, 0xe3f8,
+/* 0xfa60 */
+0xd9a1, 0xb1bb, 0xf4ae, 0xc2ad, 0xc3fc, 0xe4d0, 0xc2bf, 0xbcf4, 0xb0a9, 0xb0c8, 0xf4af, 0xb0d2, 0xb0d4, 0xb0e3, 0xb0ee, 0xb1a7,
+/* 0xfa70 */
+0xb1a3, 0xb1ac, 0xb1a9, 0xb1be, 0xb1df, 0xb1d8, 0xb1c8, 0xb1d7, 0xb1e3, 0xb1f4, 0xb1e1, 0xb2a3, 0xf4b0, 0xb2bb, 0xb2e6, 
+/* 0xfa80 */
+0xb2ed, 0xb2f5, 0xb2fc, 0xf4b1, 0xb3b5, 0xb3d8, 0xb3db, 0xb3e5, 0xb3ee, 0xb3fb, 0xf4b2, 0xf4b3, 0xb4c0, 0xb4c7, 0xb4d0, 0xb4de, 
+/* 0xfa90 */
+0xf4b4, 0xb5aa, 0xf4b5, 0xb5af, 0xb5c4, 0xb5e8, 0xf4b6, 0xb7c2, 0xb7e4, 0xb7e8, 0xb7e7, 0xf4b7, 0xf4b8, 0xf4b9, 0xb8ce, 0xb8e1,
+/* 0xfaa0 */ 
+0xb8f5, 0xb8f7, 0xb8f8, 0xb8fc, 0xb9af, 0xb9b7, 0xbabe, 0xbadb, 0xcdaa, 0xbae1, 0xf4ba, 0xbaeb, 0xbbb3, 0xbbb8, 0xf4bb, 0xbbca,
+/* 0xfab0 */
+0xf4bc, 0xf4bd, 0xbbd0, 0xbbde, 0xbbf4, 0xbbf5, 0xbbf9, 0xbce4, 0xbced, 0xbcfe, 0xf4be, 0xbdc2, 0xbde7, 0xf4bf, 0xbdf0, 0xbeb0,
+/* 0xfac0 */
+0xbeac, 0xf4c0, 0xbeb3, 0xbebd, 0xbecd, 0xbec9, 0xbee4, 0xbfa8, 0xbfc9, 0xc0c4, 0xc0e4, 0xc0f4, 0xc1a6, 0xf4c1, 0xc1f5, 0xc1fc,
+/* 0xfad0 */
+0xf4c2, 0xc1f8, 0xc2ab, 0xc2a1, 0xc2a5, 0xf4c3, 0xc2b8, 0xc2ba, 0xf4c4, 0xc2c4, 0xc2d2, 0xc2d7, 0xc2db, 0xc2de, 0xc2ed, 0xc2f0,
+/* 0xfae0 */
+0xf4c5, 0xc3a1, 0xc3b5, 0xc3c9, 0xc3b9, 0xf4c6, 0xc3d8, 0xc3fe, 0xf4c7, 0xc4cc, 0xf4c8, 0xc4d9, 0xc4ea, 0xc4fd, 0xf4c9, 0xc5a7,
+/* 0xfaf0 */
+ 0xc5b5, 0xc5b6, 0xf4ca, 0xc5d5, 0xc6b8, 0xc6d7, 0xc6e0, 0xc6ea, 0xc6e3, 0xc7a1, 0xc7ab, 0xc7c7, 0xc7c3,
+/* 0xfb40 */ 
+ 0xc7cb, 0xc7cf, 0xc7d9, 0xf4cb, 0xf4cc, 0xc7e6, 0xc7ee, 0xc7fc, 0xc7eb, 0xc7f0, 0xc8b1, 0xc8e5, 0xc8f8, 0xc9a6, 0xc9ab, 0xc9ad,
+/* 0xfb50 */
+ 0xf4cd, 0xc9ca, 0xc9d3, 0xc9e9, 0xc9e3, 0xc9fc, 0xc9f4, 0xc9f5, 0xf4ce, 0xcab3, 0xcabd, 0xcaef, 0xcaf1, 0xcbae, 0xf4cf, 0xcbca,
+/* 0xfb60 */
+ 0xcbe6, 0xcbea, 0xcbf0, 0xcbf4, 0xcbee, 0xcca5, 0xcbf9, 0xccab, 0xccae, 0xccad, 0xccb2, 0xccc2, 0xccd0, 0xccd9, 0xf4d0, 0xcdbb,
+/* 0xfb70 */
+0xf4d1, 0xcebb, 0xf4d2, 0xceba, 0xcec3, 0xf4d3, 0xcef2, 0xb3dd, 0xcfd5, 0xcfe2, 0xcfe9, 0xcfed, 0xf4d4, 0xf4d5, 0xf4d6, 
+/* 0xfb80 */
+ 0xf4d7, 0xd0e5, 0xf4d8, 0xd0e9, 0xd1e8, 0xf4d9, 0xf4da, 0xd1ec, 0xd2bb, 0xf4db, 0xd3e1, 0xd3e8, 0xd4a7, 0xf4dc, 0xf4dd, 0xd4d4,
+/* 0xfb90 */
+ 0xd4f2, 0xd5ae, 0xf4de, 0xd7de, 0xf4df, 0xd8a2, 0xd8b7, 0xd8c1, 0xd8d1, 0xd8f4, 0xd9c6, 0xd9c8, 0xd9d1, 0xf4e0, 0xf4e1, 0xf4e2,
+/* 0xfba0 */
+ 0xf4e3, 0xf4e4, 0xdcd3, 0xddc8, 0xddd4, 0xddea, 0xddfa, 0xdea4, 0xdeb0, 0xf4e5, 0xdeb5, 0xdecb, 0xf4e6, 0xdfb9, 0xf4e7, 0xdfc3,
+/* 0xfbb0 */
+ 0xf4e8, 0xf4e9, 0xe0d9, 0xf4ea, 0xf4eb, 0xe1e2, 0xf4ec, 0xf4ed, 0xf4ee, 0xe2c7, 0xe3a8, 0xe3a6, 0xe3a9, 0xe3af, 0xe3b0, 0xe3aa,
+/* 0xfbc0 */
+ 0xe3ab, 0xe3bc, 0xe3c1, 0xe3bf, 0xe3d5, 0xe3d8, 0xe3d6, 0xe3df, 0xe3e3, 0xe3e1, 0xe3d4, 0xe3e9, 0xe4a6, 0xe3f1, 0xe3f2, 0xe4cb,
+/* 0xfbd0 */
+ 0xe4c1, 0xe4c3, 0xe4be, 0xf4ef, 0xe4c0, 0xe4c7, 0xe4bf, 0xe4e0, 0xe4de, 0xe4d1, 0xf4f0, 0xe4dc, 0xe4d2, 0xe4db, 0xe4d4, 0xe4fa,
+/* 0xfbe0 */
+ 0xe4ef, 0xe5b3, 0xe5bf, 0xe5c9, 0xe5d0, 0xe5e2, 0xe5ea, 0xe5eb, 0xf4f1, 0xf4f2, 0xf4f3, 0xe6e8, 0xe6ef, 0xe7ac, 0xf4f4, 0xe7ae,
+/* 0xfbf0 */
+ 0xf4f5, 0xe7b1, 0xf4f6, 0xe7b2, 0xe8b1, 0xe8b6, 0xf4f7, 0xf4f8, 0xe8dd, 0xf4f9, 0xf4fa, 0xe9d1, 0xf4fb,
+/* 0xfc40 */
+ 0xe9ed, 0xeacd, 0xf4fc, 0xeadb, 0xeae6, 0xeaea, 0xeba5, 0xebfb, 0xebfa, 0xf4fd, 0xecd6, 0xf4fe
+#define	EUC3CONVTBLSIZ	(sizeof(euc3conv) / sizeof(int))
+/* EUC3byte to SJIS Code */
+typedef struct _sjis_euc_revmap_t {
+  int  euc;
+  int  sjis;
+} sjis_euc_revmap_t;
+static sjis_euc_revmap_t euc3rev[] = {
+{0xa2c3, 0xfa55},
+{0xb0a9, 0xfa68},
+{0xb0c8, 0xfa69},
+{0xb0d2, 0xfa6b},
+{0xb0d4, 0xfa6c},
+{0xb0e3, 0xfa6d},
+{0xb0ee, 0xfa6e},
+{0xb1a3, 0xfa70},
+{0xb1a7, 0xfa6f},
+{0xb1a9, 0xfa72},
+{0xb1ac, 0xfa71},
+{0xb1bb, 0xfa61},
+{0xb1be, 0xfa73},
+{0xb1c8, 0xfa76},
+{0xb1d7, 0xfa77},
+{0xb1d8, 0xfa75},
+{0xb1df, 0xfa74},
+{0xb1e1, 0xfa7a},
+{0xb1e3, 0xfa78},
+{0xb1f4, 0xfa79},
+{0xb2a3, 0xfa7b},
+{0xb2bb, 0xfa7d},
+{0xb2e6, 0xfa7e},
+{0xb2ed, 0xfa80},
+{0xb2f5, 0xfa81},
+{0xb2fc, 0xfa82},
+{0xb3b5, 0xfa84},
+{0xb3d8, 0xfa85},
+{0xb3db, 0xfa86},
+{0xb3dd, 0xfb77},
+{0xb3e5, 0xfa87},
+{0xb3ee, 0xfa88},
+{0xb3fb, 0xfa89},
+{0xb4c0, 0xfa8c},
+{0xb4c7, 0xfa8d},
+{0xb4d0, 0xfa8e},
+{0xb4de, 0xfa8f},
+{0xb5aa, 0xfa91},
+{0xb5af, 0xfa93},
+{0xb5c4, 0xfa94},
+{0xb5e8, 0xfa95},
+{0xb7c2, 0xfa97},
+{0xb7e4, 0xfa98},
+{0xb7e7, 0xfa9a},
+{0xb7e8, 0xfa99},
+{0xb8ce, 0xfa9e},
+{0xb8e1, 0xfa9f},
+{0xb8f5, 0xfaa0},
+{0xb8f7, 0xfaa1},
+{0xb8f8, 0xfaa2},
+{0xb8fc, 0xfaa3},
+{0xb9af, 0xfaa4},
+{0xb9b7, 0xfaa5},
+{0xbabe, 0xfaa6},
+{0xbadb, 0xfaa7},
+{0xbae1, 0xfaa9},
+{0xbaeb, 0xfaab},
+{0xbbb3, 0xfaac},
+{0xbbb8, 0xfaad},
+{0xbbca, 0xfaaf},
+{0xbbd0, 0xfab2},
+{0xbbde, 0xfab3},
+{0xbbf4, 0xfab4},
+{0xbbf5, 0xfab5},
+{0xbbf9, 0xfab6},
+{0xbce4, 0xfab7},
+{0xbced, 0xfab8},
+{0xbcf4, 0xfa67},
+{0xbcfe, 0xfab9},
+{0xbdc2, 0xfabb},
+{0xbde7, 0xfabc},
+{0xbdf0, 0xfabe},
+{0xbeac, 0xfac0},
+{0xbeb0, 0xfabf},
+{0xbeb3, 0xfac2},
+{0xbebd, 0xfac3},
+{0xbec9, 0xfac5},
+{0xbecd, 0xfac4},
+{0xbee4, 0xfac6},
+{0xbfa8, 0xfac7},
+{0xbfc9, 0xfac8},
+{0xc0c4, 0xfac9},
+{0xc0e4, 0xfaca},
+{0xc0f4, 0xfacb},
+{0xc1a6, 0xfacc},
+{0xc1f5, 0xface},
+{0xc1f8, 0xfad1},
+{0xc1fc, 0xfacf},
+{0xc2a1, 0xfad3},
+{0xc2a5, 0xfad4},
+{0xc2ab, 0xfad2},
+{0xc2ad, 0xfa63},
+{0xc2b8, 0xfad6},
+{0xc2ba, 0xfad7},
+{0xc2bf, 0xfa66},
+{0xc2c4, 0xfad9},
+{0xc2d2, 0xfada},
+{0xc2d7, 0xfadb},
+{0xc2db, 0xfadc},
+{0xc2de, 0xfadd},
+{0xc2ed, 0xfade},
+{0xc2f0, 0xfadf},
+{0xc3a1, 0xfae1},
+{0xc3b5, 0xfae2},
+{0xc3b9, 0xfae4},
+{0xc3c9, 0xfae3},
+{0xc3d8, 0xfae6},
+{0xc3fc, 0xfa64},
+{0xc3fe, 0xfae7},
+{0xc4cc, 0xfae9},
+{0xc4d9, 0xfaeb},
+{0xc4ea, 0xfaec},
+{0xc4fd, 0xfaed},
+{0xc5a7, 0xfaef},
+{0xc5b5, 0xfaf0},
+{0xc5b6, 0xfaf1},
+{0xc5d5, 0xfaf3},
+{0xc6b8, 0xfaf4},
+{0xc6d7, 0xfaf5},
+{0xc6e0, 0xfaf6},
+{0xc6e3, 0xfaf8},
+{0xc6ea, 0xfaf7},
+{0xc7a1, 0xfaf9},
+{0xc7ab, 0xfafa},
+{0xc7c3, 0xfafc},
+{0xc7c7, 0xfafb},
+{0xc7cb, 0xfb40},
+{0xc7cf, 0xfb41},
+{0xc7d9, 0xfb42},
+{0xc7e6, 0xfb45},
+{0xc7eb, 0xfb48},
+{0xc7ee, 0xfb46},
+{0xc7f0, 0xfb49},
+{0xc7fc, 0xfb47},
+{0xc8b1, 0xfb4a},
+{0xc8e5, 0xfb4b},
+{0xc8f8, 0xfb4c},
+{0xc9a6, 0xfb4d},
+{0xc9ab, 0xfb4e},
+{0xc9ad, 0xfb4f},
+{0xc9ca, 0xfb51},
+{0xc9d3, 0xfb52},
+{0xc9e3, 0xfb54},
+{0xc9e9, 0xfb53},
+{0xc9f4, 0xfb56},
+{0xc9f5, 0xfb57},
+{0xc9fc, 0xfb55},
+{0xcab3, 0xfb59},
+{0xcabd, 0xfb5a},
+{0xcaef, 0xfb5b},
+{0xcaf1, 0xfb5c},
+{0xcbae, 0xfb5d},
+{0xcbca, 0xfb5f},
+{0xcbe6, 0xfb60},
+{0xcbea, 0xfb61},
+{0xcbee, 0xfb64},
+{0xcbf0, 0xfb62},
+{0xcbf4, 0xfb63},
+{0xcbf9, 0xfb66},
+{0xcca5, 0xfb65},
+{0xccab, 0xfb67},
+{0xccad, 0xfb69},
+{0xccae, 0xfb68},
+{0xccb2, 0xfb6a},
+{0xccc2, 0xfb6b},
+{0xccd0, 0xfb6c},
+{0xccd9, 0xfb6d},
+{0xcdaa, 0xfaa8},
+{0xcdbb, 0xfb6f},
+{0xceba, 0xfb73},
+{0xcebb, 0xfb71},
+{0xcec3, 0xfb74},
+{0xcef2, 0xfb76},
+{0xcfd5, 0xfb78},
+{0xcfe2, 0xfb79},
+{0xcfe9, 0xfb7a},
+{0xcfed, 0xfb7b},
+{0xd0e5, 0xfb81},
+{0xd0e9, 0xfb83},
+{0xd1e8, 0xfb84},
+{0xd1ec, 0xfb87},
+{0xd2bb, 0xfb88},
+{0xd3e1, 0xfb8a},
+{0xd3e8, 0xfb8b},
+{0xd4a7, 0xfb8c},
+{0xd4d4, 0xfb8f},
+{0xd4e3, 0xfa5c},
+{0xd4f2, 0xfb90},
+{0xd5ae, 0xfb91},
+{0xd7de, 0xfb93},
+{0xd8a2, 0xfb95},
+{0xd8b7, 0xfb96},
+{0xd8c1, 0xfb97},
+{0xd8d1, 0xfb98},
+{0xd8f4, 0xfb99},
+{0xd9a1, 0xfa60},
+{0xd9c6, 0xfb9a},
+{0xd9c8, 0xfb9b},
+{0xd9d1, 0xfb9c},
+{0xdcd3, 0xfba2},
+{0xdcdf, 0xfa5d},
+{0xddc8, 0xfba3},
+{0xddd4, 0xfba4},
+{0xddea, 0xfba5},
+{0xddfa, 0xfba6},
+{0xdea4, 0xfba7},
+{0xdeb0, 0xfba8},
+{0xdeb5, 0xfbaa},
+{0xdecb, 0xfbab},
+{0xdfb9, 0xfbad},
+{0xdfc3, 0xfbaf},
+{0xe0d9, 0xfbb2},
+{0xe1e2, 0xfbb5},
+{0xe2c7, 0xfbb9},
+{0xe3a6, 0xfbbb},
+{0xe3a8, 0xfbba},
+{0xe3a9, 0xfbbc},
+{0xe3aa, 0xfbbf},
+{0xe3ab, 0xfbc0},
+{0xe3af, 0xfbbd},
+{0xe3b0, 0xfbbe},
+{0xe3bc, 0xfbc1},
+{0xe3bf, 0xfbc3},
+{0xe3c1, 0xfbc2},
+{0xe3d4, 0xfbca},
+{0xe3d5, 0xfbc4},
+{0xe3d6, 0xfbc6},
+{0xe3d8, 0xfbc5},
+{0xe3df, 0xfbc7},
+{0xe3e1, 0xfbc9},
+{0xe3e3, 0xfbc8},
+{0xe3e9, 0xfbcb},
+{0xe3f1, 0xfbcd},
+{0xe3f2, 0xfbce},
+{0xe3f8, 0xfa5f},
+{0xe4a6, 0xfbcc},
+{0xe4be, 0xfbd2},
+{0xe4bf, 0xfbd6},
+{0xe4c0, 0xfbd4},
+{0xe4c1, 0xfbd0},
+{0xe4c3, 0xfbd1},
+{0xe4c7, 0xfbd5},
+{0xe4cb, 0xfbcf},
+{0xe4d0, 0xfa65},
+{0xe4d1, 0xfbd9},
+{0xe4d2, 0xfbdc},
+{0xe4d4, 0xfbde},
+{0xe4db, 0xfbdd},
+{0xe4dc, 0xfbdb},
+{0xe4de, 0xfbd8},
+{0xe4e0, 0xfbd7},
+{0xe4e9, 0xfa5e},
+{0xe4ef, 0xfbe0},
+{0xe4fa, 0xfbdf},
+{0xe5b3, 0xfbe1},
+{0xe5bf, 0xfbe2},
+{0xe5c9, 0xfbe3},
+{0xe5d0, 0xfbe4},
+{0xe5e2, 0xfbe5},
+{0xe5ea, 0xfbe6},
+{0xe5eb, 0xfbe7},
+{0xe6e8, 0xfbeb},
+{0xe6ef, 0xfbec},
+{0xe7ac, 0xfbed},
+{0xe7ae, 0xfbef},
+{0xe7b1, 0xfbf1},
+{0xe7b2, 0xfbf3},
+{0xe8b1, 0xfbf4},
+{0xe8b6, 0xfbf5},
+{0xe8dd, 0xfbf8},
+{0xe9d1, 0xfbfb},
+{0xe9ed, 0xfc40},
+{0xeacd, 0xfc41},
+{0xeadb, 0xfc43},
+{0xeae6, 0xfc44},
+{0xeaea, 0xfc45},
+{0xeba5, 0xfc46},
+{0xebfa, 0xfc48},
+{0xebfb, 0xfc47},
+{0xecd6, 0xfc4a},
+{0xf3f3, 0xfa40},
+{0xf3f4, 0xfa41},
+{0xf3f5, 0xfa42},
+{0xf3f6, 0xfa43},
+{0xf3f7, 0xfa44},
+{0xf3f8, 0xfa45},
+{0xf3f9, 0xfa46},
+{0xf3fa, 0xfa47},
+{0xf3fb, 0xfa48},
+{0xf3fc, 0xfa49},
+{0xf3fd, 0xfa4a},
+{0xf3fe, 0xfa4b},
+{0xf4a1, 0xfa4c},
+{0xf4a2, 0xfa4d},
+{0xf4a3, 0xfa4e},
+{0xf4a4, 0xfa4f},
+{0xf4a5, 0xfa50},
+{0xf4a6, 0xfa51},
+{0xf4a7, 0xfa52},
+{0xf4a8, 0xfa53},
+{0xf4a9, 0xfa56},
+{0xf4aa, 0xfa57},
+{0xf4ab, 0xfa58},
+{0xf4ac, 0xfa59},
+{0xf4ad, 0xfa5a},
+{0xf4ae, 0xfa62},
+{0xf4af, 0xfa6a},
+{0xf4b0, 0xfa7c},
+{0xf4b1, 0xfa83},
+{0xf4b2, 0xfa8a},
+{0xf4b3, 0xfa8b},
+{0xf4b4, 0xfa90},
+{0xf4b5, 0xfa92},
+{0xf4b6, 0xfa96},
+{0xf4b7, 0xfa9b},
+{0xf4b8, 0xfa9c},
+{0xf4b9, 0xfa9d},
+{0xf4ba, 0xfaaa},
+{0xf4bb, 0xfaae},
+{0xf4bc, 0xfab0},
+{0xf4bd, 0xfab1},
+{0xf4be, 0xfaba},
+{0xf4bf, 0xfabd},
+{0xf4c0, 0xfac1},
+{0xf4c1, 0xfacd},
+{0xf4c2, 0xfad0},
+{0xf4c3, 0xfad5},
+{0xf4c4, 0xfad8},
+{0xf4c5, 0xfae0},
+{0xf4c6, 0xfae5},
+{0xf4c7, 0xfae8},
+{0xf4c8, 0xfaea},
+{0xf4c9, 0xfaee},
+{0xf4ca, 0xfaf2},
+{0xf4cb, 0xfb43},
+{0xf4cc, 0xfb44},
+{0xf4cd, 0xfb50},
+{0xf4ce, 0xfb58},
+{0xf4cf, 0xfb5e},
+{0xf4d0, 0xfb6e},
+{0xf4d1, 0xfb70},
+{0xf4d2, 0xfb72},
+{0xf4d3, 0xfb75},
+{0xf4d4, 0xfb7c},
+{0xf4d5, 0xfb7d},
+{0xf4d6, 0xfb7e},
+{0xf4d7, 0xfb80},
+{0xf4d8, 0xfb82},
+{0xf4d9, 0xfb85},
+{0xf4da, 0xfb86},
+{0xf4db, 0xfb89},
+{0xf4dc, 0xfb8d},
+{0xf4dd, 0xfb8e},
+{0xf4de, 0xfb92},
+{0xf4df, 0xfb94},
+{0xf4e0, 0xfb9d},
+{0xf4e1, 0xfb9e},
+{0xf4e2, 0xfb9f},
+{0xf4e3, 0xfba0},
+{0xf4e4, 0xfba1},
+{0xf4e5, 0xfba9},
+{0xf4e6, 0xfbac},
+{0xf4e7, 0xfbae},
+{0xf4e8, 0xfbb0},
+{0xf4e9, 0xfbb1},
+{0xf4ea, 0xfbb3},
+{0xf4eb, 0xfbb4},
+{0xf4ec, 0xfbb6},
+{0xf4ed, 0xfbb7},
+{0xf4ee, 0xfbb8},
+{0xf4ef, 0xfbd3},
+{0xf4f0, 0xfbda},
+{0xf4f1, 0xfbe8},
+{0xf4f2, 0xfbe9},
+{0xf4f3, 0xfbea},
+{0xf4f4, 0xfbee},
+{0xf4f5, 0xfbf0},
+{0xf4f6, 0xfbf2},
+{0xf4f7, 0xfbf6},
+{0xf4f8, 0xfbf7},
+{0xf4f9, 0xfbf9},
+{0xf4fa, 0xfbfa},
+{0xf4fb, 0xfbfc},
+{0xf4fc, 0xfc42},
+{0xf4fd, 0xfc49},
+{0xf4fe, 0xfc4b},
+#define	EUC3REVTBLSIZ	(sizeof(euc3rev) / sizeof(sjis_euc_revmap_t))
+#endif /* _KANJI_C_ */
 #endif /* _KANJI_H_ */
--- samba22/source/lib/kanji.c	Wed Jan 26 09:12:35 2000
+++ samba-2.2-ja/source/lib/kanji.c	Sat Sep 30 01:45:50 2000
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
      and extend coding system to EUC/SJIS/JIS/HEX at 1994.10.11
      and add all jis codes sequence type at 1995.8.16
      Notes: Hexadecimal code by <ohki at gssm.otuka.tsukuba.ac.jp>
+   Adding features about Machine dependent codes and User Defined Codes
+     by Hiroshi MIURA <miura at samba.gr.jp> 2000.3.19
 #define _KANJI_C_
@@ -387,15 +389,63 @@
 static int euc2sjis (int hi, int lo)
-  if (hi & 1)
-    return ((hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71)) << 8) |
-            (lo - (lo >= 0xe0 ? 0x60 : 0x61));
-  else
-    return ((hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70)) << 8) | (lo - 2);
+  int w;
+  int maxidx = SJISREVTBLSIZ;
+  int minidx = 0;
+  int i = 2;
+  if (hi & 1) {
+    hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71);
+    w =  (hi << 8) | (lo - (lo >= 0xe0 ? 0x60 : 0x61));
+  } else {
+    hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70);
+    w = (hi << 8) | (lo - 2);
+  }
+  if  ( (0x87 < hi ) && (hi < 0xed ) ) {
+    return w;
+  }
+  while ( maxidx >= minidx ) {
+    if ( sjisrev[i].start > w ) {
+      maxidx = i-1;
+    } else if ( w > sjisrev[i].end ) {
+      minidx = i+1;
+    } else {
+      w -= sjisrev[i].start;
+      w += sjisrev[i].rstart;
+      break;
+    }
+   i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx - minidx) % 2 );  
+  }
+  return w;  
 static int sjis2euc (int hi, int lo)
+  int minidx = 0;
+  int maxidx = SJISCONVTBLSIZ;
+  int i = ( 0 + SJISCONVTBLSIZ ) % 2;
+  int w = (int)((hi << 8) | lo);
+  if ( (sjisconv[0].start < w) && (w < sjisconv[SJISCONVTBLSIZ].end) ) {
+    while (maxidx >= minidx) {
+      if ( sjisconv[i].start > w ) {
+	maxidx = i-1;
+      } else if (w > sjisconv[i].end) {
+	minidx = i+1;
+      } else {
+	w -= sjisconv[i].start;
+	w += sjisconv[i].rstart;
+	break;
+      }
+      i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx-minidx)%2 );
+    }
+    hi = (int) ((w >> 8) & 0xff);
+    lo = (int) (w & 0xff);
+  }
+  if (hi >= 0xf0) {
+     hi = GETAHI;
+     lo = GETALO;
+  }
   if (lo >= 0x9f)
     return ((hi * 2 - (hi >= 0xe0 ? 0xe0 : 0x60)) << 8) | (lo + 2);
@@ -418,7 +468,7 @@
     if (is_shift_jis (*from)) {
       int code = sjis2euc ((int) from[0] & 0xff, (int) from[1] & 0xff);
       *out++ = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
-      *out++ = code;
+      *out++ = code & 0xff;
       from += 2;
     } else if (is_kana (*from)) {
       *out++ = (char)euc_kana;
@@ -451,7 +501,7 @@
     if (is_euc (*from)) {
       int code = euc2sjis ((int) from[0] & 0xff, (int) from[1] & 0xff);
       *out++ = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
-      *out++ = code;
+      *out++ = code & 0xff;
       from += 2;
     } else if (is_euc_kana (*from)) {
       *out++ = from[1];
@@ -461,8 +511,260 @@
   *out = 0;
   if (overwrite) {
-    pstrcpy(save, (char *) cvtbuf);
+	pstrcpy(save, (char *) cvtbuf); 
+    return save;
+  } else {
+    return cvtbuf;
+  }
+  EUC3 <-> SJIS
+static int sjis3euc (int hi, int lo, int *len)
+  int i,w;
+  int minidx;
+  int maxidx;
+  w = (int)((hi << 8) | lo);
+  /* no sjis */
+ if ( ( 0x40 >= lo ) && (lo >= 0xfc) && (lo == 0x7f )) {
+     w = (GETAHI << 8) | GETALO;
+ /* IBM Extended Kanji */
+ } else  if (( w == 0xfa54 )||( w == 0x81ca )) {
+    *len = 2;
+    return (0xa2cc);
+  } else if (( w ==  0xfa5b )||( w == 0x81e6)) {
+    *len = 2;
+    return (0xa2e8);
+  } else if (( 0xfa <= hi ) && ( hi <= 0xfc ) ) {
+    i = w - 0xfa40 - ( hi - 0xfa )*( 0xfb40 - 0xfafc) - ((lo < 0x7f)? 0 : 1 );
+    if ( i <= EUC3CONVTBLSIZ ){
+      *len = 3;
+      return euc3conv[i];
+    }  
+/* NEC selected IBM Extend Kanji */
+    /* there are 3 code that is not good for conv */
+  } else if (( 0x8754 <= w ) && ( w <= 0x878a)) {
+    minidx = 0;
+    maxidx = EUC3CONV2TBLSIZ;
+    i = minidx + (maxidx - minidx) % 2;
+    while ( maxidx >= minidx ) {
+      if ( euc3conv2[i].sjis > w ) {
+	maxidx = i-1;
+      } else if ( w > euc3conv2[i].sjis ) {
+	minidx = i+1;
+      } else {
+	*len = 3;
+	return (euc3conv2[i].euc);
+      }
+      i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx - minidx) % 2 );  
+    }
+    /* else normal EUC */
+  } else if (( w == 0xeef9 ) || ( w == 0x81ca )) {  
+    *len = 2; 
+    return (0xa2cc);
+  } else if (( 0xed <= hi ) && ( hi <= 0xef )) {
+    minidx = 0;
+    maxidx = SJISREVTBLSIZ;
+    i = 10;
+    while ( maxidx >= minidx ) {
+      if ( sjisrev[i].start > w ) {
+	maxidx = i-1;
+      } else if ( w > sjisrev[i].end ) {
+	minidx = i+1;
+      } else {
+	w -= sjisrev[i].start;
+	w += sjisrev[i].rstart;
+	break;
+      }
+      i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx - minidx) % 2 );  
+    }
+    if ( w >= 0xfa40 ) {
+      i = w - 0xfa40 - ( hi - 0xfa )*( 0xfb40 - 0xfafc) - ((lo < 0x7f)? 0 : 1 );
+      if ( i <= EUC3CONVTBLSIZ ){
+	*len = 3;
+	return euc3conv[i];
+      } else {
+	w = (GETAHI << 8) | GETALO;
+      }
+    }
+    /* else normal EUC */
+/* UDC half low*/
+/* this area maps to the G2 UDC area: 0xf5a1 -- 0xfefe */
+  } else if ((0xf0 <= hi) && (hi <= 0xf4)) {
+    *len = 2;
+    if (lo >= 0x9f) {
+      return (((hi * 2 - 0xea) << 8) | (lo + 2));
+    } else {
+      return (((hi * 2 - 0xeb) << 8) | (lo + (lo >=0x7f ? 0x60: 0x61 )));
+    }
+/* UDC half high*/
+/* this area maps to the G3 UDC area: 0xf8f5a1 -- 0xf8fefe */
+  } else if ((0xf5 <= hi) && (hi <= 0xf9)) {  
+    *len = 3;
+    if (lo >= 0x9f) {
+      return (((hi*2 - 0xf4) << 8) | (lo + 2));
+    } else {
+      return (((hi*2 - 0xf5) << 8) | (lo + (lo >= 0x7f ? 0x60: 0x61 )));
+    }
+    /* ....checked all special case */
+  }
+  /*  These Normal 2 byte EUC */
+  *len = 2;
+  hi = (int) ((w >> 8) & 0xff);
+  lo = (int) (w & 0xff);
+  if (hi >= 0xf0) {    /* Check range */
+     hi = GETAHI;
+     lo = GETALO;
+  }
+  if (lo >= 0x9f)
+    return ((hi * 2 - (hi >= 0xe0 ? 0xe0 : 0x60)) << 8) | (lo + 2);
+  else
+    return ((hi * 2 - (hi >= 0xe0 ? 0xe1 : 0x61)) << 8) |
+            (lo + (lo >= 0x7f ? 0x60 : 0x61));
+static int  euc3sjis (int hi, int lo, BOOL is_3byte)
+  int w;
+  w = (int)((hi << 8) | lo);
+  if (is_3byte) {
+    if (( 0xf5 <= hi) && ( hi <= 0xfe)) {
+     /* UDC half high*/
+     /* this area maps to the G3 UDC area */
+     /* 0xf8f5a1 -- 0xf8fefe --> 0xf540 -- 0xf9fc */
+      if (hi & 1) {
+	return (((hi / 2 + 0x7b) << 8) | (lo - (lo >= 0xe0 ? 0x60 : 0x61)));
+      } else {
+	return (((hi / 2 + 0x7a) << 8) | (lo - 2));
+      }
+    } else {
+      /* Using map table */
+      int minidx = 0;
+      int maxidx = EUC3REVTBLSIZ;
+      int i = minidx + (maxidx - minidx) % 2;
+      while ( maxidx >= minidx ) {
+	if (euc3rev[i].euc > w) {
+	  maxidx = i-1;
+	} else if (euc3rev[i].euc < w) {
+	  minidx = i+1;
+	} else {
+	  return (euc3rev[i].sjis);
+	}
+	i = (int)( minidx + ( maxidx - minidx ) % 2);
+      }
+      return ((GETAHI << 8 ) | GETALO);
+    }
+  } else { /* is_2byte */
+    if ((0xf5 <= hi) && (hi <= 0xfe)) {
+      /* UDC half low*/
+      /* this area maps to the G2 UDC area */
+      /* 0xf5a1 -- 0xfefe  --> 0xf040 -- 0xf4fc */
+      if (hi & 1) {
+	return (((hi / 2 + 0x76) << 8) | (lo - (lo >= 0xe0 ? 0x60 : 0x61)));
+      } else {
+	return (((hi / 2 + 0x75) << 8) | (lo - 2));
+      }
+    } else { /* Normal EUC */
+      if (hi & 1) {
+	hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71);
+	return ((hi << 8) | (lo - (lo >= 0xe0 ? 0x60 : 0x61)));
+      } else {
+	hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70);
+	return ((hi << 8) | (lo - 2));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return ((GETAHI << 8) | GETALO);
+ Convert FROM contain SHIFT JIS codes to EUC codes (with SS2)
+ return converted buffer
+static char *sj_to_euc3(char *from, BOOL overwrite)
+  char *out;
+  char *save;
+  int len;
+  save = (char *) from;
+  for (out = cvtbuf; *from && (out - cvtbuf < sizeof(cvtbuf)-4);) {
+    if (is_shift_jis (*from)) {
+      int code = sjis3euc ((int) from[0] & 0xff, (int) from[1] & 0xff, &len);
+      if (len == 3) {
+	*out++ = (char)euc_sup;
+      }
+      *out++ = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
+      *out++ = code & 0xff;
+      from += 2;
+    } else if (is_kana (*from)) {
+      *out++ = (char)euc_kana;
+      *out++ = *from++;
+    } else {
+      *out++ = *from++;
+    }
+  }
+  *out = 0;
+  if (overwrite) {
+    pstrcpy((char *) save, (char *) cvtbuf);
+    return (char *) save;
+  } else {
+    return cvtbuf;
+  }
+ Convert FROM contain EUC codes (with Sup-Kanji) to SHIFT JIS codes
+ return converted buffer
+static char *euc3_to_sj(char *from, BOOL overwrite)
+  char *out;
+  char *save;
+  save = (char *) from;
+  for (out = cvtbuf; *from && (out - cvtbuf < sizeof(cvtbuf)-3); ) {
+    if (is_euc_sup (*from)) {
+      int code = euc3sjis((int) from[1] & 0xff, (int) from[2] & 0xff, True);
+      *out++ = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
+      *out++ = code & 0xff;
+      from += 3;
+    } else if (is_euc (*from)) {
+      int code = euc3sjis ((int) from[0] & 0xff, (int) from[1] & 0xff,False);
+      *out++ = (code >> 8) & 0xff;
+      *out++ = code & 0xff;
+      from += 2;
+    } else if (is_euc_kana (*from)) {
+      *out++ = from[1];
+      from += 2;
+    } else {
+      *out++ = *from++;
+    }
+  }
+  *out = 0;
+  if (overwrite) {
+	pstrcpy(save, (char *) cvtbuf); 
     return save;
   } else {
     return cvtbuf;
@@ -475,6 +777,31 @@
 static int sjis2jis(int hi, int lo)
+  int minidx = 0;
+  int maxidx = SJISCONVTBLSIZ;
+  int i = (0 + SJISCONVTBLSIZ) % 2;
+  int w = (int)((hi << 8) | lo);
+  if ((sjisconv[0].start < w) && (w < sjisconv[SJISCONVTBLSIZ].end)) {
+    while (maxidx >= minidx) {
+      if (sjisconv[i].start > w) {
+	maxidx = i-1;
+      } else if (w > sjisconv[i].end) {
+	minidx = i+1;
+      } else {
+	w -= sjisconv[i].start;
+	w += sjisconv[i].rstart;
+	break;
+      }
+      i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx-minidx) %2 );
+    }
+    hi = (int) ((w >> 8) & 0xff);
+    lo = (int) (w & 0xff);
+  }
+  if (hi >= 0xf0) {
+     hi = GETAHI;
+     lo = GETALO;
+  }
   if (lo >= 0x9f)
     return ((hi * 2 - (hi >= 0xe0 ? 0x160 : 0xe0)) << 8) | (lo - 0x7e);
@@ -484,11 +811,35 @@
 static int jis2sjis(int hi, int lo)
-  if (hi & 1)
-    return ((hi / 2 + (hi < 0x5f ? 0x71 : 0xb1)) << 8) |
-            (lo + (lo >= 0x60 ? 0x20 : 0x1f));
-  else
-    return ((hi / 2 + (hi < 0x5f ? 0x70 : 0xb0)) << 8) | (lo + 0x7e);
+  int w;
+  int minidx = 0;
+  int maxidx = SJISREVTBLSIZ;
+  int i = 2;
+  if (hi & 1) {
+    hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0x5f ? 0x71 : 0xb1);
+    w  = (hi << 8) | (lo + (lo >= 0x60 ? 0x20 : 0x1f));
+  } else {
+    hi = hi / 2 + (hi < 0x5f ? 0x70 : 0xb0); 
+    w  = (hi << 8) | (lo + 0x7e);
+  }
+  if  (( 0x87 < hi ) && ( hi < 0xed )) {
+    return w;
+  }
+  while (maxidx >= minidx) {
+    if (sjisrev[i].start > w) {
+      maxidx = i-1;
+    } else if (w > sjisrev[i].end) {
+      minidx = i+1;
+    } else {
+      w -= sjisrev[i].start;
+      w += sjisrev[i].rstart;
+      break;
+    }
+    i = (int)( minidx + (maxidx-minidx) %2 );
+  }
+  return w;  
@@ -999,6 +1356,90 @@
+ cp to utf8
+static char *cp_to_utf8(char *from, BOOL overwrite)
+  unsigned char *dst;
+  unsigned char *src;
+  smb_ucs2_t val;
+  int w;
+  size_t len;
+  src = (unsigned char *)from;
+  dst = (unsigned char *)cvtbuf;
+  while (*src && (((char *)dst - cvtbuf) < sizeof(cvtbuf)-4)) {
+    len = _skip_multibyte_char(*src);
+    if ( len == 2 ) {
+      w = (int)(*src++ & 0xff);
+      w = (int)((w << 8)|(*src++ & 0xff));
+    } else {
+      w = (int)(*src++ & 0xff);
+    }
+    val = doscp2ucs2(w);
+    if ( val <= 0x7f ) {
+      *dst++ = (char)(val & 0xff);
+    } else if ( val <= 0x7ff ){
+      *dst++ = (char)( 0xc0 | ((val >> 6) & 0xff)); 
+      *dst++ = (char)( 0x80 | ( val & 0x3f ));
+    } else {
+      *dst++ = (char)( 0xe0 | ((val >> 12) & 0x0f));
+      *dst++ = (char)( 0x80 | ((val >> 6)  & 0x3f));
+      *dst++ = (char)( 0x80 | (val & 0x3f));
+    }
+  }
+  *dst++='\0';
+  if (overwrite) {
+    pstrcpy ((char *) from, (char *) cvtbuf);
+    return (char *) from;
+  } else {
+    return cvtbuf;
+  }
+ utf8 to cp
+static char *utf8_to_cp(char *from, BOOL overwrite)
+  unsigned char *src;
+  unsigned char *dst;
+  smb_ucs2_t val;
+  int w;
+  src = (unsigned char *)from; 
+  dst = (unsigned char *)cvtbuf; 
+  while (*src && ((char *)dst - cvtbuf < sizeof(cvtbuf)-4)) {
+    val = (*src++ & 0xff);
+    if (val < 0x80) {
+      *dst++ = (char)(val & 0x7f); 
+    } else if ((0xc0 <= val) && (val <= 0xdf) 
+	       && (0x80 <= *src) && (*src <= 0xbf)) {
+      w = ucs2doscp( ((val & 31) << 6)  | ((*src++) & 63 ));
+      *dst++ = (char)((w >> 8) & 0xff);
+      *dst++ = (char)(w & 0xff);
+    } else {
+      val  = (val & 0x0f) << 12;
+      val |= ((*src++ & 0x3f) << 6);
+      val |= (*src++ & 0x3f);
+      w = ucs2doscp(val);
+      *dst++ = (char)((w >> 8) & 0xff);
+      *dst++ = (char)(w & 0xff);
+    }
+  }
+  *dst++='\0';
+  if (overwrite) {
+    pstrcpy ((char *) from, (char *) cvtbuf);
+    return (char *) from;
+  } else {
+    return cvtbuf;
+  }
  _dos_to_unix		_unix_to_dos
@@ -1046,6 +1487,14 @@
 	_dos_to_unix = sj_to_cap;
 	_unix_to_dos = cap_to_sj;
+    case UTF8_CODE:
+	_dos_to_unix = cp_to_utf8;
+	_unix_to_dos = utf8_to_cp;
+	break;
+    case EUC3_CODE:
+	_dos_to_unix = sj_to_euc3;
+	_unix_to_dos = euc3_to_sj;
+	break;
@@ -1142,6 +1591,10 @@
 	codes = JUNET_CODE;
 	jis_kso = '@';
 	jis_ksi = 'H';
+    } else if (strequal (str, "utf8")) {
+      codes = UTF8_CODE;
+    } else if (strequal (str, "euc3")) {
+      codes = EUC3_CODE;
     setup_string_function (codes);
--- samba22/source/include/proto.h	Fri Sep 29 23:45:48 2000
+++ samba-2.2-ja/source/include/proto.h	Sat Sep 30 00:44:48 2000
@@ -616,6 +616,8 @@
 void split_at_last_component_w(smb_ucs2_t *path, smb_ucs2_t *front, smb_ucs2_t sep, smb_ucs2_t *back);
 smb_ucs2_t *octal_string_w(int i);
 smb_ucs2_t *string_truncate_w(smb_ucs2_t *s, size_t length);
+smb_ucs2_t doscp2ucs2(int w);
+int ucs2doscp(smb_ucs2_t w);
 /*The following definitions come from  lib/wins_srv.c  */
--- samba22/source/lib/util_unistr.c	Sat Aug 12 23:20:40 2000
+++ samba-2.2-ja/source/lib/util_unistr.c	Mon Sep 25 13:50:42 2000
@@ -1977,3 +1977,17 @@
 	return s;
+ functions for UTF8 support (using in kanji.c)
+ ******************************************************************/
+smb_ucs2_t doscp2ucs2(int w)
+  return ((smb_ucs2_t)doscp_to_ucs2[w]);
+int ucs2doscp(smb_ucs2_t w)
+  return ((int)ucs2_to_doscp[w]);
--- samba22/source/param/loadparm.c	Fri Sep 29 23:46:05 2000
+++ samba-2.2-ja/source/param/loadparm.c	Sat Sep 30 01:35:07 2000
@@ -2243,6 +2244,7 @@
 	if (saved_character_set != NULL)
+ 	codepage_initialize(lp_client_code_page());
 	return (True);
Hiroshi Miura  --- http://www.momokuri.org/  http://www.Hokkaid.org/
http://lkh.linux.or.jp/  http://www.samba.gr.jp/ http://alsa.linux.or.jp/ 
http://www.blue.gr.jp/  TLUG, TLUC-Kanto, YLUG-Diet, CLUG, Palm<->Linux
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