Bug in NT-Printer Driver Uploading to samba-2.2.0alpha0?

michael.kappler at primedisc.com michael.kappler at primedisc.com
Tue Oct 31 09:44:52 GMT 2000


you're right. It looks like it is an authentication problem.

My Windows user (call him MYUSER) is member of the global group DOMAIN
ADMINS, which gives me the right to do everything in the Windows domain
(MYDOMAIN). This part works for sure. So there is no problem with the
Windows user part of my configuration.

I added MYUSER to /etc/passwd on my linux box. The entry is:
myuser:*:1026:200:NT Dummy account:/dev/null:/bin/False

I also added a goup called NTADMIN to /etc/group. The entry:

Then I created a username.map on the linux, which sould map all members of
the linux group ntadmin to the user root.
The entry is:

When I try to upload drivers to samba from my WindowsNT client, I get an
access denied error.
At the same time SWAT  tells me, that I am connected to the shares as user
root group root. Strange, isn't it?

There are some entries in my Windows NT Event Viewer - maybe that this is
related to my problem.
Every second, when browsing my samba box from my WinNT client, I get a
warning: Event ID: 3006 Message: "The redirector received an SMB that was
too short. "

What does this mean?

I think I have a general "missconfiguration" in my smb.conf.

Is it OK, that after joining an NT-Domain there isn't this
<NTDOMAIN>.<SAMBA-SERVERNAME>.mac file as I know from the older (2.0.7)
samba versions. Is the mac file now in a tbl database?

If not, I haven't sucessful joined the domain, an this is the solution tho
my driver uploading-authentication problem.

Thanks so far.

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