Windows 2K plaintext passwords and profiles

Robert Dahlem Robert.Dahlem at
Fri Oct 27 06:10:18 GMT 2000


[this had better been on samba, not samba-technical]

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000 17:15:16 +0100 (BST), Chris Hines wrote:

>I have a number of windows 2000 machine which are not in a domain
>connecting to a samba server 2.0.7 configured to use plaintext 

>If you net use the samba server the first attempt fails cos the samba
>server says the password is invalid and the user is prompted for a

That's Windows' way of telling you you're sending a plaintext password 
over the wire. There is nothing you can do within Samba to change 


Robert.Dahlem at           Fax +49-69-432647

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