bug in params.c

Christopher R. Hertel crh at nts.umn.edu
Mon Oct 16 16:27:26 GMT 2000

Please try the patch below.

The system I am using (IRIX) does not display the problem you described.  
It seems to take char as unsigned.  I can't test the change below, so I'm 
asking others to try it for me.

If you modified the EatComments function, please go back to original 
before trying this patch.  I want to be sure it works before I submit it 
to the code tree.

Chris -)-----

Index: params.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/samba/source/param/params.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -r1.17 params.c
<       return (int)*(f->p++);
>         /* be sure to return chars >127 as positive values */
>       return (int)( *(f->p++) & 0x00FF );

Christopher R. Hertel -)-----                   University of Minnesota
crh at nts.umn.edu              Networking and Telecommunications Services

    Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them
    with your hands...you choose them as your guides, and following
    them you will reach your destiny.  --Carl Schultz

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