good smb client implementation by using the kernel

Herb Lewis herb at
Tue Oct 10 18:19:56 GMT 2000

Jelmer Feenstra wrote:
> Hi,
> A friend of mine and I had the following idea, I'm looking for some
> comments/suggestions on the matter :
> Would it be possible to supply smb browsing/listing/reading/writing by using
> a sort of userfs (kernelspace) and a daemon taking care of the actual
> filesystem stuff (userspace). It would allow users to just cd /smb/workgroup
> ; ls ; cd computer ; ls ; cd share ... etc.
> Can this be done ?
> Jelmer Feenstra

Take a look at smbwrapper. For those systems that don't support smbfs
this does exactly what you say all in user space using a shared library
to overload system calls.
Herb Lewis                               Silicon Graphics 
Networking Engineer                      1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy MS-510
Strategic Software Organization          Mountain View, CA  94043-1351
herb at                             Tel: 650-933-2177                       Fax: 650-932-2177          

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