new smb.conf option

Gerald Carter gcarter at
Fri Oct 6 21:33:54 GMT 2000

Jeremy Allison wrote:
> On an NT member server all defined groups are local - and
> they can contain domain groups within them.
> On a Samba member server this is not the case, as groups
> cannot contain groups within UNIX.
> I see what JF is trying to do - use a list to make an
> artificial distinction between the groups we report back
> as being local and those we report back as being domain,
> as under UNIX they're all local.

Is this option for a PDC, a Samba member server, or should 
it apply to both?

If we are only talking a a member server, then the only
domain accounts should be defined by the PDC.  In this 
case, then the UNIX groups on the Samba member server 
should be mapped to the NT domain groups.

If we are talking about a PDC, then I don't see the use
for local groups at all on a Samba box.  I'm having deja-vu
here, guys....

SO which situation are we talking about?


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