TNG back from the dead [if we get some decent doctors...]

Cole, Timothy D. timothy_d_cole at
Fri Oct 6 16:43:16 GMT 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Sander Striker [SMTP:striker at]
> Sent:	Friday, October 06, 2000 1:07
> To:	samba-ntdom; samba-technical; sidlc at
> Subject:	TNG back from the dead [if we get some decent doctors...]
> Hi people,
> Non-coders:
>  - Documenters 
>     - Write (good) documentation (examples: man pages and
>       a HOWTO)
>  - Public speakers 
>     - Appearing on mailing lists and trying to answer most of
>       the questions.
>     - Routing irrelevant bugreports to the FAQ department
	Maybe.  Granted, I'm not 

>  - Interims between core developers and public
>     - Filtering of patches and making sure they come to the
>       right person.
>     - Keeping users and developers in 'touch', for example by
>       asking developers regularly, what they're currently up to,
>       and what they think, how long a feature/bug will take,
>       until it is done.
>  - Web designers/maintainers
>     - Desinging and maintaining a website (update regularly).
>     - Keeping FAQs and other public files in sync.
>  - Mailing list subscribers :-D
>     - Giving (founded) feedback on technical issues.
>  - Testers
>     - Testing release and cvs versions on a regular basis.
	I have a test machine I might be able to use for this now.

> Coders:
>  - Mergers
>     - Follow the samba-cvs list and merge relevant changes into
>       TNG. Especially bug-fixes ;-)
>     - Applying patches
>  - 'Helping hands'
>     - Like in the period Luke asked for people who could rewrite
>       all of the daemons like he had done for one :-) A bit of:
>       "Here's an example: we need that also here and here and here."
> Coders and non-coders combined:
>  - API spec and documentation writers
>     - Like an MSDN for TNG
	I like doing this stuff, although time constraints are invariably a

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