PDC features II [was Re: PDC acceptance criteria]

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Wed Oct 4 14:58:49 GMT 2000


> But trust-relations will require a rewritten user-layer, as the following 
> is not neccesarry true in an NT environment:
> Anders\NTDOMAIN1 = Anders\NTDOMAIN2, which is the current implementation 
> in Samba TNG.
I don´t want to start a big discussion. I only thought that it´s usefull.
If it´s a lot of work and if others don´t need it, cat > /dev/null.

Liebe Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer

[ Paedagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Systemtechnik - Germany    ]
[ Abteilung ZIK: <a href="http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik">WWW</a> ]

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