PDC features II [was Re: PDC acceptance criteria]

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Wed Oct 4 13:36:45 GMT 2000

Hi Jerry,

> 	I am a little more prone to add PDC<->BDC
> 	replication with and NT DC in with this as well.  
> 	Here is my reasoning:  People who wish to 
> 	replace NT DC's will do it one by one.  This 
> 	also handles the migration from an NT PDC to a 
> 	Samba PDC (which is a necessary feature).
In many cases trust are very necessary, too.
Sometimes there are really big NT Domains with a lot of
workstation as member in the NT domain. Without trust, 
samba couldn´t take place in the network environment.
Think about the NT admins... they´ll lose their job.

> 	Simply setup Samba as a BDC, grab the SAM and 
> 	domain SID, halt the NT PDC, and promote the 
> 	Samba BDC.
Exaclty, but I think this often would be the second step
or sometimes never will be done in some environments.

> Comments?
Here it is.

Liebe Gruesse,
Stephan Lauffer

[ Paedagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Systemtechnik - Germany    ]
[ Abteilung ZIK: <a href="http://www.ph-freiburg.de/zik">WWW</a> ]

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