2.2 as a domain member.

Richard Sharpe sharpe at ns.aus.com
Tue Nov 28 01:32:18 GMT 2000

At 09:51 AM 11/28/00 +1100, David Bannon wrote:
>(was Re: Samba 2.2.0alpha1 snapshot released)
>At 11:17 AM 27/11/2000 -0800, Jeremy Allison wrote:
>>Jason Haar wrote:
>>> Attached is what debug level 9 reports when "jhaar" attaches via 2.2.0
>>> to 2.2.0 server.
>>Not enough info. Send a debug level 10.
>No, actually it was more than enough. In private conversation with this
>fellow, he discovered that he needed to _rejoin_ a (NT controlled) domain,
>ie the an upgrade from 2.0.7 to 2.2 as a domain member required rejoining
>and then returning to 2.0.7 requires the same. Sounds possible, can someone
>else confirm before I document it ?

This has already been attended to by Jeremy.

>Secondly he believes that the parameter 'security = DOMAIN' (as written by
>swat) was being ignored until he manually edited it to lower case 'security
>= domain'. Again, any comments ? 

I can believe it. From memory, the code that reads parameters will lower
case the parameter name and squeeze out spaces before searching for a
matching one, but will not touch the actual parameter value, and will most
likely do a case-dependent match on the value. Upper case and you loose.

>I don't have a samba machine here that I can conviently join to a domain,
>my test machine being a pdc....
>David Bannon                      D.Bannon at latrobe.edu.au
>School of Biochemistry            Phone 61 03 9479 2197
>La Trobe University, Plenty Rd,   Fax   61 03 9479 2467
>Bundoora, Vic, Australia, 3083    http://bioserve.latrobe.edu.au
>..... Humpty Dumpty was pushed !

Richard Sharpe, sharpe at ns.aus.com
Samba (Team member, www.samba.org), Ethereal (Team member, www.zing.org)
Contributing author, SAMS Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours
Author, Special Edition, Using Samba

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