View and Public Directory Won't Work

Gary Sanders GarySa at
Fri Jul 21 20:43:46 GMT 2000


I'm new to Samba, and I can't figure out how to make a public/anonymous area
opened to folks coming in from a Win 98 box.  I keep getting rejection
messages in the log.smb file with the user ID from Win98.  When I have the
user in smbpasswd, it works fine, but once again, I want this to be a
totally public folder.

My subscription to the list has not cleared yet, so please reply directly to
me ( garysa at ) as well as the list. 

Here's a snippet of my smb.conf:


    comment = Public Area
    available = yes
    browseable = yes
    path = /home/mypath
    public = yes
    guest only = yes
    writable = yes
    only user = no 



Gary Sanders
Software Eng., S3 Inc.
mailto:garysa at
Phone: 408.588.8267

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