access_table() challenge - win a Samba t-shirt!

Osama Abu-Aish osabmt00 at
Mon Jan 17 12:35:33 GMT 2000

Hash: SHA1

Am 17 Jan 00, um 14:34 Uhr schrieb Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton zum Thema Re: access_table() challenge - win :
Dazu meine Meinung:

> > from winbase.h
> ok... where's the "execute" permission bit???  hmm..
> ok, i don't think these are actually ACL permission bits.
While searching through MS-headers I found something else:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Special Values and Constants - Access

// Maximum number of permission entries for each resource.

#define MAXPERMENTRIES      64

//  Bit values for the access permissions.  ACCESS_ALL is a handy
//  way to specify maximum permissions.  These are used in
//  acl_access field of access_list structures.

#define ACCESS_NONE         0
#define ACCESS_ALL          ( ACCESS_READ | \
                                ACCESS_WRITE | \
                                ACCESS_CREATE | \
                                ACCESS_EXEC | \
                                ACCESS_DELETE | \
                                ACCESS_ATRIB | \
                                ACCESS_PERM \

#define ACCESS_READ         0x01
#define ACCESS_WRITE        0x02
#define ACCESS_CREATE       0x04
#define ACCESS_EXEC         0x08
#define ACCESS_DELETE       0x10
#define ACCESS_ATRIB        0x20
#define ACCESS_PERM         0x40

#define ACCESS_GROUP        0x8000

// Bit values for the acc1_attr field of the ACCESS_INFO_1 structure.

#define ACCESS_AUDIT        0x1

#define ACCESS_SUCCESS_OPEN         0x10
#define ACCESS_SUCCESS_WRITE        0x20
#define ACCESS_SUCCESS_DELETE       0x40
#define ACCESS_SUCCESS_ACL          0x80
#define ACCESS_SUCCESS_MASK         0xF0

#define ACCESS_FAIL_OPEN            0x100
#define ACCESS_FAIL_WRITE           0x200
#define ACCESS_FAIL_DELETE          0x400
#define ACCESS_FAIL_ACL             0x800
#define ACCESS_FAIL_MASK            0xF00

#define ACCESS_FAIL_SHIFT           4

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from lmaccess.h, also found in srvapi.h

And this from winnt.h:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                                                    //
//                             ACCESS MASK                            //
//                                                                    //

//  Define the access mask as a longword sized structure divided up as
//  follows:
//       3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
//       1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
//      +---------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
//      |G|G|G|G|Res'd|A| StandardRights|         SpecificRights        |
//      |R|W|E|A|     |S|               |                               |
//      +-+-------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
//      typedef struct _ACCESS_MASK {
//          WORD   SpecificRights;
//          BYTE  StandardRights;
//          BYTE  AccessSystemAcl : 1;
//          BYTE  Reserved : 3;
//          BYTE  GenericAll : 1;
//          BYTE  GenericExecute : 1;
//          BYTE  GenericWrite : 1;
//          BYTE  GenericRead : 1;
//      } ACCESS_MASK;
//      typedef ACCESS_MASK *PACCESS_MASK;
//  but to make life simple for programmer's we'll allow them to specify
//  a desired access mask by simply OR'ing together mulitple single rights
//  and treat an access mask as a DWORD.  For example
//      DesiredAccess = DELETE | READ_CONTROL
//  So we'll declare ACCESS_MASK as DWORD

// begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs

//                                                                    //
//                             ACCESS TYPES                           //
//                                                                    //

// begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs
//  The following are masks for the predefined standard access types

#define DELETE                           (0x00010000L)
#define READ_CONTROL                     (0x00020000L)
#define WRITE_DAC                        (0x00040000L)
#define WRITE_OWNER                      (0x00080000L)
#define SYNCHRONIZE                      (0x00100000L)

#define STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED         (0x000F0000L)


#define STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL              (0x001F0000L)

#define SPECIFIC_RIGHTS_ALL              (0x0000FFFFL)

// AccessSystemAcl access type

#define ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY           (0x01000000L)

// MaximumAllowed access type

#define MAXIMUM_ALLOWED                  (0x02000000L)

//  These are the generic rights.

#define GENERIC_READ                     (0x80000000L)
#define GENERIC_WRITE                    (0x40000000L)
#define GENERIC_EXECUTE                  (0x20000000L)
#define GENERIC_ALL                      (0x10000000L)

//  Define the generic mapping array.  This is used to denote the
//  mapping of each generic access right to a specific access mask.

typedef struct _GENERIC_MAPPING {
    ACCESS_MASK GenericRead;
    ACCESS_MASK GenericWrite;
    ACCESS_MASK GenericExecute;
    ACCESS_MASK GenericAll;

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope this helps.

Greetings, Osama

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